Leid Stories – No Defense Is An Offense: The People Are Left to Fend for Themselves Against Corruption, Imminent Fascism—11.21.16

Trump World is here, and it’s not pretty. The president-elect is shaping up his Cabinet, selecting as nominees careerists mostly of a military/national security/law-enforcement/ultraconservative/super Christian/racist bent, most of them stodgy white men who, like their patron, yearn to implement policies that will “make America great again.” That was/is dog-whistle talk from Donald Trump signaling his base of support that their objects of rage and derision would also be his; his will be a term of settling scores.

HEATHER DIGBY PARTON – Donald Trump is bringing torture back: His entire foreign-policy team is comprised of big fans of the worst Bush-era practices

One of the most active conversations these days among political activists who oppose Donald Trump is about the extent to which Democrats should “work with” the new president, considering his white nationalist, authoritarian campaign and the people he has surrounded himself with. It’s both a strategic and a moral question, and the potential complications and rewards run in a number …

Ilana Novick – The Power of Magical Thinking: Overnight a 300% Increase in Republicans Who Think the Economy Is Doing Better

While many Americans are questioning the validity of our polls, given that so many did a poor job of predicting Trump’s election, the Gallup Organization released a new one on Tuesday that provides insight into Republican’s economic views following the election. Apparently a white nationalist know nothing in the White House was not enough to dim their confidence in the economy. …

PETER LAVENIA – The Revenge of Class and the Death of the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party of my lifetime – the coalition of Wall St finance capital and identity-politics voters that arose during the 1980s and 90s – is dead. It has been killed, quite ironically, by the revenge of class politics – the kind once championed by the Democrats. Decades of economic misery and the hollowing-out of vast segments of the American …

Chuck Collins – Building a New Populism in the Era of Trump

Imagine you’re standing in line for the American Dream. You work hard, sometimes in dangerous jobs. You lead a moral life. But the line is stalling, even moving backwards. Yet you see newcomers up front — some of them immigrants and people of color. Maybe you’ve worked all your life alongside African Americans and Latinos — more than most northern …

Trump’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan: Lincoln Had a Bolder Solution

In Donald Trump’s victory speech after the presidential election, he vowed: We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none. And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. It sounds great; …

ANDREW LEVINE – Hillary Out and the Donald In: Good, Bad, or Impossible to Say?

Add this to the reasons why I hate Hillary: I was all set to go with yet another screed on how anti-Trump hysteria was, and always had been, a distraction, and how the most urgent task now is to build a movement that would prevent Commander-in-Chief Hillary from provoking overt confrontations and proxy wars with nuclear powers – only to …

Lizzie Dearden – Donald Trump’s victory followed by wave of hate crime attacks against minorities across US – led by his supporters

Police are investigating a wave of alleged hate crimes against Muslims, Hispanic Americans, black people, ethnic minorities and the LGBT community in the wake of the US election. Attackers professing support for Donald Trump have been accused of numerous attacks in the 24 hours following his shock victory, including death threats, physical assaults and racist graffiti. Among the incidents is …

Alternative Visions – Trump’s Election and Economic Consequences—US and Global – 11.11.16

Jack Rasmus discusses the economics behind why Trump won the election, and the economic legacies of the Obama regime behind why the white working class in the great lakes region—from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin—abandoned the Democrats and voted against the political elites and Clinton. Jack refers listeners to his shows earlier this year and predictions this would happen. (see also articles on his blog, jackrasmus.com). The no-college white working class vote was key, along with lower turnout for Clinton among Latinos, youth, and even African-Americans compared to 2008 and even 2012. The show then reviews the areas of economic consequences expected from a Trump election, including: booming stock markets, rising bond interest rates, big corporate tax cuts coming quickly, Infrastructure spending, more price gouging by pharmaceutical companies and health insurers, the early dismantling of Obamacare and Dodd-Frank bank regulation acts, likely repeal of alternative energy credits, restoration of the Keystone pipeline project, gutting of the EPA’s funding, suspension of proposed industrial plant emissions, refusal to implement the Paris climate accords, boosted production of gas fracking, pipelines, and coal production, an immediate Federal Reserve rate hike in December and more likely in 2017 now, renewed attacks on social security, surging government deficits and debt, general deregulation of business and across the board repeal of Obama executive orders and passage of anti-Latino immigration legislation. The consequences for the global economy are also considered, with focus on emergency markets currency collapse, capital flight and further recessions, rising US dollar and falling oil prices, China’s currency devaluation, Europe and Japan QE policies, and likely measures addressing free trade including NAFTA, TPP, and TTIP.

iEat Green – Clark Barlowe- Heirloom Restaurant – 11.10.16

Clark began his culinary career in his hometown of Lenoir, NC, where his family, which can be traced back 7 generations in North Carolina, was a constant source of inspiration for traditional Southern cooking techniques and ingredients.  Before attending Johnson and Wales in Charlotte, NC, Clark worked at a small local eatery, Bud’s Pub, in Lenoir.  While attending culinary school …