More than anything else, eating meat contributes heavily to global warming and climate change. Jane Velez-Mitchell, animal rights activist and journalist, author and widely known for her work on television including specials on CNN, talks about how eating meat also causes major health problems such as heart disease, strokes, cancer, dementia and alzheimer’s. Jane also talked about what we can …
Climate may have defeated Mongol invaders
Climate fluctuation not only may have paved the way for Genghis Khan’s conquests of Asia in the 13th century, sudden climatic change may also have halted the Mongol invasion of Europe, according to new research. Two scholars − one skilled in historical documents and another in interpreting tree rings to deliver weather reports through history − say that cold and heavy snowfalls …
Climate Science Education in the US is Pretty Crappy, Survey Finds
The results of the first nationally representative survey on climate education in U.S. schools are in, and reveal, according to one noted scientist, that “we are failing students.” The survey of 1,500 middle and high school science teachers in 50 states was conducted by the Penn State Survey Research Center (SRC) and the National Center for Science Education (NCSE), and the paper …