The EPA is tossing aside safety data; Companies “testing” their own products have led to the EPA sweeping major environmental and social problems under the rug. In 1978, eight women from the small western Oregon town of Alsea sent a letter to the EPA documenting a frightening series of miscarriages—all of which had occurred shortly after the spring spraying season. …
Marjorie Cohn – 40 Years On, the Vietnam War Continues for Victims of Agent Orange
The war in Vietnam resulted in the deaths of more than 58,000 Americans and more than 3 million Vietnamese. Twenty years ago, the United States and Vietnam normalized diplomatic relations in an effort to put the terrible legacy of the war behind them. But for the survivors—both Vietnamese and American—the war continues. About 5 million Vietnamese and many U.S. and …
Brian Bienkowski – Burn Pits: The New ‘Agent Orange’ That the Media Has Failed to Expose
The U.S. media has failed to expose the civilian toll of recent wars by largely ignoring burn pits’ toxic effects on local people, a U.S. researcher argues in a new report, suggesting the burn pits are this generation’s Agent Orange. The coverage gap helps legitimize war and overlooks the undeniable humanitarian impacts, said Eric Bonds, an assistant professor of sociology …
Organic Under Attack: Report Exposes Big Food’s Tobacco-Style PR Blitz – Lauren McCauley
Remember that recent blog post you read about the popularity of genetically modified foods? Or the economics expert on the news who questioned if paying the price of organic food was ‘worth it’? According to a new report, these views were very likely the product of a public relations blitz by Big Food and Big Ag firms, that are actively …
EPA Knew EMFs Were a “Probable Human Carcinogen” Decades Ago and Covered It Up By Melissa Dykes
Did you know that back in 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency was all set to release a report that admitted electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are dangerous to our health, including that EMFs have been linked with “the development of various cancers” but stopped short of straight up admitting they are “probable carcinogens”? Isn’t it ironic the newspaper thought to tack a Radio …
Monsanto Now Billing Itself as a “Sustainable Agriculture Company” BY CHRISTINA SARICH
When you read headlines like these, you may be confused. Should you get angry, or laugh? Monsanto as a sustainable agriculture company? Monsanto truly has decided to market itself as a ‘sustainable agriculture’ company despite spending billions to provide the world with destructive, carcinogenic chemicals. You can see Monsanto’s propaganda piece here. The biotech giant also says that it aims to “empower” farmers around the world, …
Monsanto Exposed for Trying to Hide ‘Ugly History’ By Ditching Its Name – Sarah Lazare
Agrochemical giant Monsanto—known for its power over food systems world-wide—recently suggested a name-change as part of a proposed corporate merger, in what critics say is a bald attempt to bury the poor human rights and environmental reputation associated with the company’s brand. Founded in St. Louis, Monsanto recently revealed that it would like to move its headquarters from the United …
Monsanto Ordered To Pay $93 Million For Poisoning Residents With Agent Orange
Earlier this month the State Supreme Court of West Virginia dealt a huge blow to the biotech company Monsanto, ordering it to pay $93 million to the small town of Nitro, West Virginia for poisoning local citizens with Agent Orange chemicals. Approved last year, the details were only recently worked out a few weeks ago as to how the funds would be …
Vietnam’s Horrific Legacy: The Children of Agent Orange
FORTY years after the end of the Vietnam War this is a country which should be rising back to its feet. Instead it is crippled by the effects of Agent Orange, a chemical sprayed during combat, stripping leaves off trees to remove enemy cover. Its contaminant, dioxin — now regarded as one of the most toxic chemicals known to man …
The Complete History of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation” – E Hanzai
Of all the mega-corps running amok, Monsanto has consistently outperformed its rivals, earning the crown as “most evil corporation on Earth!” Not content to simply rest upon its throne of destruction, it remains focused on newer, more scientifically innovative ways to harm the planet and its people. 1901: The company is founded by John Francis Queeny, a member of the Knights of Malta, a thirty …