Brigitte Stevens is a Steven Irwin protégé who fell in love with an orphan wombat, sold her properties, left her family and friends and moved 2500 kilometres to establish the only free range, cage free wombat sanctuary. Brigitte and her friend Clare are the only people in the world who live within a community of wombats and are at the forefront of wombat advocacy.
As Demand Skyrockets, Thousands of US Farms Are Going Organic
Organic food demand is so booming that multiple efforts are underway to support the acquisition of organic farmland. Even Cost-Co is getting in on the action by offering to help farmers buy land and farm equipment. People’s huge appetite for organics has been ignored by Big Ag for so long that land to grow food organically in the U.S. is rather scarce. Currently, organic …
House Ag Committee Says ‘No’ to GMO Labeling, What’s Next? by Katherine Paul
With no debate and only a voice vote, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture today (July 14, 2015) passed out of committeeH.R. 1599, a bill to preempt states’ rights to label GMOs. Within hours, it was announced that the bill will go straight to the House floor, as early as next week, with no vote in the Energy …
The Truth Behind The USDA’s ‘Non-GMO Label’ Revealed – Christine Sarich
US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, also known as Monsanto’s errand boy, sent a letter to media outlets on May 1st of this year stating that the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has, for a long time now, offered a Process Verified non-GMO label to food manufacturers. In the least, the claim has kicked up some dust to make understanding the …