Wendell Potter – Is Crony Capitalism a Big Reason for America’s Dental Health Care Crisis?

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/wendell-potter/is-crony-capitalism-a-big_b_8433768.html For an example of how Big Money in politics is causing real harm to average Americans, look at the practice of dentistry in this country. The United States is facing a dental care crisis for a number of reasons. First, dental care has become so expensive many of us can’t afford to go the dentist. More than 130 million …

93 Percent of the World’s Seeds Have Been Lost in the Last 80 Years

Seeds represent the foundation of life. We depend on them for food, for medicine and for our very survival. In many ways, you can trace the underpinnings of any given culture through the heritage of their crops and seeds. It wasn’t long ago when seeds were mostly the concern of farmers who, as the Worldwatch Institute put it, “were the …