The Intelligence Hour with Kevin Shipp – 05.07.18

On this edition of The Intelligence Hour, Kevin Shipp introduces the new guest host of the show, renown money laundering expert retired RCMP Inspector Bill Majcher. Inspector Majcher has extensive operational experience, including covert operations, in the largest money laundering and securities fraud investigations in North America. Mr. Shipp and Inspector Majcher discuss the illegal activities of the Clinton Foundation charity fraud, its global criminal connections and …

Energy Stew – Edward Bruce Bynum – 08.04.17

Who is in your dreamlife? Why are they? –  Energy Stew interview with Edward Bruce Bynum Our dreams are windows to our subconscious and reveal the deep patterns in our lives. Often, those we dream about are family members and our other most significant relationships. Many times, those same people are dreaming about us. There are times of mutual dreaming …