Joanna Hoyt – Here’s How Smart Homesteaders Avoid Cleaning Out Manure

Winter is coming, and for those of us who live in snowy climates the task of cleaning our barns and chicken coops is about to get more complicated. One solution is simply to stop cleaning out over the winter and try the deep-litter bedding approach. You’re probably already covering the floor of your stalls and coops with some kind of …

Dick Melvin – Why You Should Never, Ever ‘Turn’ A Compost Pile Again

Many experts insist that in order to make good compost, it must be turned regularly, but is that really the case? Consider: When leaves fall each autumn and dead trees topple over in hardwood forests, is that decaying matter turned over? No, it just sits there turning into rich leaf mold. A common myth is that you cannot make good …

Dahr Jamail – The Navy’s Use of Depleted Uranium in Our Coastal Waters Threatens Humans, Wildlife

Earlier this month, Truthout reported that the US Navy is knowingly introducingtoxic metals and chemicals into the environment during its war game exercises. Sheila Murray with the Navy Region Northwest’s public affairs office, when asked what the Navy was doing to mitigate environmental contamination from the large numbers of Depleted Uranium (DU) rounds it left on the seabed off the …

300 million children breathe extremely toxic air, 600k die annually – UNICEF

One in seven of the world’s children breathe extremely polluted air, which is six and more times above the levels allowed by international guidelines, according to a new UN Children’s Fund report. UNICEF has released a new report, indicating that air pollution is one of the major factors in infant deaths worldwide. According to the fund, of every seven children …

The Toxic Science of Flu Vaccines – Gary Null

The Toxic Science of Flu Vaccines   Richard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, October 31, 2016     Joshua Hadfield was a normal, healthy developing child as a toddler. In the midst of the 2010 H1N1 swine flu frenzy and fear mongering about the horrible consequences children face if left unvaccinated, the Hadfield’s had Joshua vaccinated with Glaxo’s …

Delhi chokes as air pollution levels jump to 35 times safe limits

Smog has covered New Delhi, India, leading to warnings that even healthy locals may suffer from respiratory issues. Pollution levels have hit some 35 times the recommended safe limit set by the World Health Organization (WHO). New Delhi usually ranks as one of the world’s most polluted cities as it is, but on Monday morning things spiraled out of control. …

Paul Wood – Choosing Natural Building Materials for Improved Indoor Air Quality

There’s a good reason why everyone — not just people with allergies or chemical sensitivities — should live in a home with good indoor air quality. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Americans spend about 90 percent of their time indoors, where the air can be two to five times more polluted than the air outdoors. Spending the vast …

NDC Savings Club – Air Pollution – 10.19.16

Air Pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. Car emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, pollen, mold spores, power plants, and human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas. Ozone, a gas, is a major part of air pollution in cities. When ozone forms air pollution, it’s also called smog. Some air pollutants are poisonous.

Are Organic Farms Really Worse When It Comes to Greenhouse Gases?

Organic farming earned some negative press recently with the publication of a paper that linked it to higher greenhouse emissions, but the truth is a little more complex. The paper, by University of Oregon Ph.D. student Julius McGee and published in the journal Agriculture and Human Values, found what appears to be a shocking bit of information: “Organic farming,” McGee …