Alternative Visions – The Trump-Goldman Sachs Tax Cut Proposal – 09.29.17

Dr. Rasmus dissects the Trump tax proposal of this past week, crafted by Goldman Sachs investment bankers, Steve Mnuchin (Treasury Secretary) and Gary Cohn (head of economic council). Rasmus explains how it is the latest in a long line of neoliberal tax proposals since 1981, which are designed to shift income to businesses, investors and wealthy households at the expense …

The Infectious Myth – Dr. Sin Hang Lee’s Complaint about HPV Vaccine Approval by WHO – 09.26.17

On January 14, 2016 Dr. Sin Hang Lee, an experienced pathologist, wrote to the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) complaining about what he described as the corrupt approval of the HPV vaccine. In episode 156, David discusses with Dr. Lee, his concerns that the unique formulation of the HPV vaccine, which has aluminum bound to viral DNA, …

The Infectious Myth – George Kent, Is there a human right to breastfeeding? – 04.04.17

David talks with George Kent, an emeritus professor at the Universityh of Hawai’i, who has long studied and advocated the human right to food. According to him, this includes the right of infants to breastfeed, and his new books, “Governments Push Infant Formula” and “Caring About Hunger” discuss this issues. How is that a man becomes an advocate for breastfeeding, how do governments overtly, covertly and accidentally promote formula over breastfeeding?

Michael Hudson – Celebrating the One Percent – Is Inequality Really Good for the Economy?

To paraphrase Mark Twain, everyone complains about inequality, but nobody does anything about it. What they do is to use “inequality” as a takeoff point to project their own views on how to make society more prosperous and at the same time more equal. These views largely depend on whether they view the One Percent as innovative, smart and creative, …

Guy Faulconbridge – Brexit Bedlam: U.K. Ponders Uncertain Future After Historic ‘Leave’ Vote

LONDON (Reuters) – To leave, or not to leave: that is the question. Still. After Britain’s historic vote to leave the European Union, there is no indication that a so-calledBrexit will happen soon. It maybe never will. Prime Minister David Cameron, who is resigning, has said he will not take the formal step to an EU divorce on the grounds …

John Scales Avery – The Need For A New Economic System; part 2

Part 1 of this series of articles documented the world’s urgent need for a reformed economic system. Here are a few more links that underline the pressing need for change. We urgently need to shift quickly from fossil fuels to renewable energy if we are to avoid a tipping point after which human efforts to avoid catastrophic climate change will …


Fidgeting, whistling, sweaty palms. Add one point each. Arrogance, a cold penetrating stare, and rigid posture, two points. These are just a few of the suspicious signs that the Transportation Security Administration directs its officers to look out for — and score — in airport travelers, according to a confidential TSA document obtained exclusively byThe Intercept. The checklist is part …