“Updates on Takata airbags and auto company misdeeds, Trump’s defense spending, deepening inequality, why capitalism provokes govt “mandates.” Interview Dr. Harriet Fraad on economics, psychology, and injustices of US women doing paid labor.”
The hidden costs of RCEP and corporate trade deals in Asia
If signed, RCEP would grant corporations the exclusive right to bypass domestic legal systems and sue governments at international tribunals whenever they feel government regulation can limit their profits. New research reveals that investors have launched 50 lawsuits at secret international arbitration tribunals against governments negotiating the RCEP agreement for at least $31 billion US dollars. The report by The Transnational …
How Diet can Help Heal Vaccine Damage
When I was about seven or eight years old, I received a stern warning from my father regarding the gas tank in his car. He told me that I was never to open the cap and put anything into the tank. I hadn’t ever done such a thing or even thought about it, but he was warning me against doing …