Economic Update – US Labor Unions: Past, Present, Future – 04.16.17

Updates on United Airlines flier abuse, Cuomo’s flawed tuition plan, what to do as self-drive vehicles end millions of jobs, how big investors plan to cash in on Trump infrastructure plans. Interview Frank R. Annunziato on tragedy of US labor unions today, why that tragedy happened, and how to reverse it

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 02.15.17

I love this hour with my friend Jeanne Stolzer and hope you will, too. We unexpectedly spent the show talking about what psychiatric drugs, alcohol, and marijuana (and all potent psychoactive drugs) are doing to the personal lives of individual children and adults and to society, and what life would be like without these toxic chemicals. The conversation inspired me to take notes as I was listening and talking. Jeanne is a professor of child and adolescent development, and brings an enormous heart and equally enormous intelligence to questions surrounding human life.

Johnson: Elites Eying the Exits Signals America’s Crisis

Interviewed as part of an extraordinary New Yorker investigation into growing anxiety among America’s corporate elite over the potential for anarchic social collapse, Institute President Robert Johnson saw his peers’ talk of bolt-holes in New Zealand as reflecting a deeper crisis. Johnson told writer Evan Osnos of the mounting anxiety he had encountered among hedge-fund managers and other wealthy Americans …


Michael Dermer, entrepreneur, speaker, lawyer and author of “The Lonely Entrepreneur” joined me to discuss why he left a coveted job as a corporate lawyer to pursue the dream of being his own boss. His concept — reward Americans for healthy behavior and in the process, saving the healthcare system a bundle. Hear how he created IncentOne – an empire he tirelessly devoted over a decade too that crumbled in mere days during the 2008 financial debacle and how his varied entrepreneur skills, business acumen and much more got him back in the game. My mother continues to inspire and teach me through her uncanny ability to adapt to life circumstances within and beyond her control. Recently, she had to utilize her strength and courage once again, this time in the form of relocating to a new home late in life. Change in life happens in many forms and my mothers ability to not only survive but flourish, made me take pause of the significance of this vital characteristic that makes many wildly uncomfortable.

Transport employees in America were secretly paid by the government to search travellers’ bags

THERE are many reasons why you might have been stopped at an American transport hub and your bag searched by officials. You might have be chosen at random. Perhaps you matched a profile. Or you could have been flagged by an airline, railroad or security employee who was being secretly paid by the government as a confidential informant to uncover …

Expat Files – 11.06.16

#8- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” designed for people wanting their own Plan “B” but can’t quite manage to get “boots on the ground”. It may be the best way to get started on your Plan “B” and the next best thing to coming down yourself. Go to for the three video intros to my new “Expat Essentials” course.

Pam Martens – Looking at 9/11 in the Context of the Wall Street Bailout of 2008

This Sunday will mark the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy – one of those seminal events in human memory that is seared forever on the brain. Because of the emotional toll 9/11 took on the human psyche — watching U.S. commercial airline planes converted to killing machines on U.S. soil — America’s collective memory of exactly what happened on …

Lori Alton – Airline cover-up: Toxic oil from jet engines poisoning passengers and crew for decades

Aerotoxic syndrome, the term for the illness caused by exposure to contaminated air in jet aircraft, is ruining careers and claiming lives, causing the illness, permanent disability and even death of airline employees and passengers. Yet the issue is minimized, swept under the rug and largely ignored by corporate giants Boeing and Airbus, with those who speak out facing character assassination, …