Marc Ash – Eight More Years of Plutocracy

he spoke first and she spoke last, she occupied center-stage throughout the entire ABC Debate Production Show. She was scripted as the star of the show by its producers. She also showed a breathtaking lack of understanding on all key issues. Hillary Clinton spoke often and forcefully on the subject of ISIS and the Iraqi-Syrian Frontier region. She was as …

Leid Stories – 12.18.15

Free Your Mind! Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say!
See who salutes when you run your insightful opinions and ideas up the Leid Stories’ “Free Your Mind Friday” flagpole. It’s the best open forum on the planet—a popular gathering place for the intellectually curious and politically aware. Unfurl your flag (call 888-874-4888). Let’s see your colors come shining through!

Energy Stew – Tobin Blake – 12.18.15

We all know about miracles but maybe we have to help them along. Tobin Blake was called on when his daughter’s boyfriend was given no chance to survive.

He began a journey that brought together all sorts of opportunities to change the outcome and has written an important book about the experience.

His book, “The Healing of Jordan Young, a 21st Century Spiritual Guide to Health and Healing” can give all of us hope. Healing works on all levels of science and consciousness and they need to work together.

Be sure to tune in to learn how you can produce “miracles” for yourself and others.