Alternative Visions – US Stocks Biggest Fall Since October 2008. Causes & Predictions – 02.09.18

Dr. Rasmus delves deeper into this past week’s US and global stock crash. Is it another 2008? Or more like the dotcom tech bust of 2000? Rasmus argues the current decline has characteristics of both 2000 and 2008 and may be therefore even more significant. How tech stock speculation drove 2000 and how property based financial speculation-engineering in derivatives drove …

Leid Stories—Got “Alternative Facts’ for Trump’s Week 2? Share Them and Free Our Minds!—02.03.17

Official word is, things are moving along just fine, thank you, and President Trump is very pleased with his “yuuuge” progress thus far. Really?
Perhaps you have “alternative facts” that would put Trump’s claim to the test. Call Leid Stories (888-874-4888), and speak your truth on “Free Your Mind Friday, the planet’s most-talked-about open forum.