Ask Beatty – 10.10.16

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. And who would have dreamed that a candidate running for President of the United States is a proud sexual and emotional predator of women!
And what is more shocking, is the fact that millions of men and women continue to enable and support him.
Listen to Beatty’s psychological analysis of Trump and why a Trump Presidency would ultimately doom America.

NORMAN POLLACK – Economic Nationalism vs. Globalization: Janus-Faced Monopoly Capital

This week the conflict surfaced of the presumed difference between Trump’s economic nationalism and Clinton’s globalization, the former thought in the liberal media a betrayal of enlightened internationalism (similar to the condemnation of Britain’s exit from the EU) and, on the side of constructive economic statesmanship, a world order of free trade and peaceful harmony. The Great Obfuscation: Both are …