Truth To Power – 08.04.17

Are AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome the New Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment? Charles Ortleb, the New York Native publisher who made his newspaper the paper of record on AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, explores the similarities between the racist politics and deceptions of AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. The author of the first book on the racist politics and science of …

Leid Stories–Democrats and Republicans: Twin Tyrants Who Both Need to Go—07.17.17

Download this episode (right click and save) It’s been a long time since the business of the people was at the top of the agenda and legislators, working together, wrestled with delivering the best possible results. Instead, we’ve been mired in never-ending rounds of partisan politics that stall, or cancel all together, opportunities for true progress. Case in point: what’s …

César Chelala – Poverty: The Dark Side of the American Empire

If we have learned anything from this last presidential election it’s that poverty continues to be an ignored concept by president-elect Trump and by U. S. politicians. Although both avoid using the word like a naked man avoids a poisonous snake, poverty is integral to the current reality of the U.S. socio- political landscape. The selection by president- elect Trump …

Gary Kohls – Urgent Alert: The “21st Century Cures Act” That Will Expand the Use of Coerced Drug “Treatments”

URGENT ACTION ALERT On November 30th, the House passed HR 34, a 996-page bill, known as the 21st Century Cures Act. They are now rushing to get it introduced and passed by the Senate on Monday, December 5th, at 5:30 EST. This bill must be defeated because it contains some very dangerous provisions relating to psychiatric treatments.  This is an urgent call …

Heart of Mind Radio – 01.07.16

In the first segment Kathryn Davis will offer an invitation to her series of events which start Wednesday, January 20th and continue the third Wednesday of the month till June.

In segment two: Kathryn speaks to David Young about his music for transformation and opportunity for rare Free live streaming of his concerts during January. (Link to registration below)

David Young is a twice Grammy Nominated Musician who plays two Renaissance flutes at one time in harmony. His music has been called “The Most Heavenly Music on Earth,” and is used in over 10,000 wellness centers with all kinds of healers and practitioners. He has recorded 57 albums and sold over 1,000,000 copies. He is a also a healer, channel, author, and artist. It is said that more people have had out of body experiences while listening to his music than other musician alive today.