A Just Cause Radio – Spotlight on Capitol Hill Encore Series: Senator John McCain – 12.03.17

We started earlier this year (2017) a Spotlight on Capitol Hill ENCORE Series were we re-interviewed previous Congressman and Senators so that we can revisit and update our audience with what’s happening with them now and any new information & updates we feel need to be shared. So from time to time you will see a title that says “Spotlight on Capitol Hill ENCORE Series”. Hopefully …

Ask Beatty – 11.27.17

ARE MOST MEN MONSTERS?  More and more women are alleging sexual assault and sexual harassment in the workplace, as the list of alleged sexual perpetrators is increasing daily if not hourly.   Beatty’s guest today is Dr. Gary Null, internationally recognized alternative health expert/activist, author of dozens of best sellers, filmaker, radio talk show host and Founder of the Progressive …

The Conspiracy Guy – 06.21.17

Conspiracy Guy Show #30: Ominous developments in the Middle East include Russia warning the US that it will treat all US aircraft in Syrian airspace as “targets” after US-led forces shot down a Syrian plane attacking ISIS. Iran has responded to an ISIS attack in Iran with missile strikes in Eastern Syria. The exchange between Megyn Kelly and Alex Jones …


Dr. LOREN A. OLSON lived for decades the best way he knew how until he realized that yes, he was gay.  Mark speaks with Dr. Olson about his new book FINALLY OUT: Letting Go of Living Straight and asks about his first marriage, how his children dealt learning that their father was gay to society’s ever slow developing acceptance of …

Black Agenda Radio – 03.27.17

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Human Rights Watch pretends to defend vulnerable people from abuse by powerful forces all around the world. But, most of the time, Human Rights Watch defends U.S. foreign policy. And, as the pace of prison activism increases by the month, Prison Radio brings you voices from behind the bars.

Jonathan Marshall – How Arms Sales Distort US Foreign Policy

Forget oil. In the Middle East, the profits and jobs reaped from tens of billions of dollars in arms sales are becoming the key drivers of U.S. and British policy. Oil still matters, of course. So do geopolitical interests, including military bases, and powerful political lobbies funded by Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf states. But you can’t explain Washington’s deference to Saudi …

Claire Bernish – A Staggering 95% of All Inmates in America Have Never Received a Trial

In the Land of the Free, one-quarter of the entire planet’s prison population, some 2.2 million people, currently languish behind bars; yet, an astonishing number of them — around 2 million — have never been to trial. Indeed, these figures categorically debunk the notion the criminal justice system in the United States maintains any semblance of its formation’s original intent: …