RICK STERLING – The Wicked War on Syria: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words

Key leaders from around the world are present at the United Nations this week to discuss critical issues; one of the most pressing is Syria. How did we get to this point with half the Syrian population (almost 12 million) displaced and under-populated but huge areas of Syria now controlled by ISIS, Al Qaeda (Nusra) and other fanatical fundamentalist groups? …

Carey Wedler – 50 Defense Dept. Whistleblowers Slam “Stalinist” Pentagon Officials For Lying About ISIS

The Pentagon has erupted in “revolt” amid claims from 50 intelligence analysts that senior defense officials manipulated intelligence reports to downplay the severity of the Islamic State’s increasing upper-hand in the Middle East. According to allegations made in an official complaint with the Department of Defense Inspector General, the officers in question doctored reports — among other things — in order …

Patrick Cockburn – Refugee crisis: Where are all these people coming from and why?

It is an era of violence in the Middle East and North Africa, with nine civil wars now going on in Islamic countries between Pakistan and Nigeria. This is why there are so many refugees fleeing for their lives. Half of the 23 million population of Syria have been forced from their homes, with four million becoming refugees in other …

Robert Parry – How Neocons Destabilized Europe

The refugee chaos that is now pushing deep into Europe – dramatized by gut-wrenching photos of Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi whose body washed up on a beach in Turkey – started with the cavalier ambitions of American neocons and their liberal-interventionist sidekicks who planned to remake the Middle East and other parts of the world through “regime change.” Instead of the …

Joachim Hagopian – Will the US-Created ISIS Attack Americans on US Soil?

Those of us in alternative news media shoulder a growing responsibility of shedding light on the truth where little to none exists anymore either in government and mainstream media. As such, citizens of the world but especially of America need to know that the so called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) like al Qaeda before them are the …

SHADOW PLAY: The ISIS ‘Ramadan Attacks’ Smell of a Western-Born PSYOP – Shawn Helton

The recent ‘Ramadan Attacks’ supposedly carried out by members of ISIS – reek of Western propaganda dispensed from shadowy think-tanks. Over the past month, we’ve seen ISIS and the puppeteers behind them engineering a string of apparent attacks, crucifixions and caged deaths that have metastasized into the minds of many, renewing concern over the cloaked terror brand – yet again.  Western media outlets have routinely …

Obama Winks at Terrorist Gains – Gareth Porter

News media coverage of the Camp David summit between President Barack Obama and Gulf Cooperation Council members has focused largely on Obama’s success in getting the GCC States to go along with the negotiation of a nuclear agreement with Iran. But the much more consequential story of the summit is Obama’s decision not to confront Saudi Arabia and Qatar about …

CONFIRMED: US “Operation Rooms” Backing Al Qaeda in Syria – Tony Cartalucci

US policy think-tank Brookings Institution confirms that contrary to propaganda, US-Saudi “moderates” and Turkey-Qatar “Islamists” have been coordinating all along.  The war in Syria continues to drag on, with a recent and renewed vigor demonstrated behind an opposition long portrayed as fractured and reflecting a myriad of competing foreign interests. Chief among these competing interests, the public has been told, …

ISIL is Using Ukraine as a Forward Base into Caucasia and as for Entry into Europe – Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

“In the West, most look at the war in Ukraine as simply a battle between Russian-backed separatists and the Ukrainian government. But the truth on the ground is now far more complex, particularly when it comes to the volunteer battalions fighting on the side of Ukraine,” according to Marcin Mamon. [1] What the Polish filmmaker is talking about is the …

Climbing into Bed with Al-Qaeda – Daniel Lazare

After years of hemming and hawing, the Obama administration has finally come clean about its goals in Syria.  In the battle to overthrow Bashar al-Assad, it is siding with Al Qaeda. This has become evident ever since Jisr Ash-Shughur, a small town in the northeastern part of the country, fell on April 25 to a Saudi and Turkish-backed coalition consisting of the Al-Nusra …