KATHERINE LAM – Cuomo offers New York as refuge for people who feel ‘under attack’ during Trump’s presidency

NEW YORK — Gov. Andrew Cuomo has offered New York as a refuge to anyone who feel threatened or under attack during Donald Trump’s four-year presidency. “As New Yorkers, we have fundamentally different philosophies than what Donald Trump laid out in his campaign,” Cuomo wrote in an email to members of the New York State Democratic Committee Saturday. “So let me be …

George Eliason – Why Hillary Clinton Will Appoint Old World Nationalists to Cabinet Positions

Whether you are for Hillary Clinton or against her, the problem with Hillary Clinton isn’t her lack of experience. Almost the entire political establishment is behind her. Throughout all the bumps and scandal in this whole election cycle, Republicans and former presidents are coming out of the woodwork supporting her. According to the LA Times she may well be one …

Les Leopold – Think Again Hillary Democrats: 10 Reasons Why She Could Lose this Fall

The media tells us that Hillary has a lock on the nomination. That news should make her supporters extremely nervous, and not because the prognosticators have been wrong so many times already. All Democrats should worry because her major policy and character flaws could leave us with a Republican president this fall. Here’s why. 1. The Senator from Wall Street: This …

Eve Fairbanks – Hillary Clinton: Wiki Woman

Back when we got basic information from encyclopedias instead of Wikipedia, politicians were at the mercy of the encyclopedia-writers’ particular biases. Take the 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Apparently controlled by smug British nationalists, it described the important Irish leader Charles Stewart Parnell as “not over-scrupulous,” “repellent,” “powerful for evil,” and, owing to the “mental affliction of his ancestors,” …