Matt Taibbi – It’s Too Late to Turn Off Trump

Some people in the news business are having second thoughts this week about their campaign strategy. They’re wondering if they created a monster in Donald Trump. The LA Times published a piece about how the tone of Trump’s TV appearances has changed, now that’s he’s fully out of the closet as an aspiring dictator, with his plans to ban all Muslims and …

Mark Bowden – Donald Trump Really Doesn’t Want Me to Tell You This, But…

 spent a long, awkward weekend with Donald Trump in November 1996, an experience I feel confident neither of us would like to repeat. He was like one of those characters in an 18th-century comedy meant to embody a particular flavor of human folly. Trump struck me as adolescent, hilariously ostentatious, arbitrary, unkind, profane, dishonest, loudly opinionated, and consistently wrong. He …