California Nukes To Shut Down; New York Nukes Troubled: Living on Earth interview with Arjun Makhijani

PG&E has decided to take the aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant near an earthquake fault in California offline by 2025 and replace its electric power with wind and solar. But the even older Indian Point reactors near New York City continue in service despite defects and opposition. The President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, Arjun Makhijani, joins …

Matthew Vernon Whalan – Voting For Resistance, Voting for the Youth: Why the Green Party is the Party of the Future

For younger generations in the United States, it is hard to know how to vote in any way that will accommodate the future. The Democratic Party is not the party of change. This article will analyze three issues: first, how the Democratic Party in the 21st has shown absolute continuity with the Republican Party on major issues, often in rhetoric and …

Harvey Wasserman – How Nuclear Power Causes Global Warming

upporters of nuclear power like to argue that nukes are the key to combatting climate change. Here’s why they are dead wrong. Every nuclear generating station spews about two-thirds of the energy it burns inside its reactor core into the environment. Only one-third is converted into electricity. Another tenth of that is lost in transmission. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists: Nuclear fission is the …

Michael Payne – The Specter of an American Police State Looms Over America

It’s coming, we don’t know when it will fully emerge, but it’s on the way. When this rampant societal violence, and especially these tragic mass shootings and slaughter of helpless, innocent Americans continues unabated, when this government refuses to address and attack the underlying causes, we will see the emergence of an American police state. Right now we’re witnessing what …

Michael Arria – Some of the Cruelest Employers in America: Workers Share Horror Stories as Campaign Builds to Fight Exploitation

“My supervisor let me know that if my hands hurt and I go see the nurse, I should tell her that the pain comes from something that happened at home. I shouldn’t say it’s work-related. If I say my pain comes from something I did at work, then I will be laid off without pay and three days later get …

RON JACOBS – Homophobes Don’t Have Any Religion Other Than Homophobia

What pisses me off about the ongoing fallout from the massacre in Orlando is this: non-Muslims who hate LBGT folks are pretending that their homophobia and its presence in the entire social system in the US is somehow not responsible for these murders and/or is somehow different from the homophobia of the killer because he has a Muslim name. Tangential …

Charles Eisenstein – By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

I’m dealing with massive cognitive dissonance right now. Multiple, contradictory beliefs and perceptions inhabit my mind, each compelling on its own terms. How do I choose? I’ll share two of the most contradictory. Last weekend I spoke at a wonderful music festival near Asheville called Kinnection Campout. I’ve not yet been to a festival with such a positive, friendly, gentle …

Allison Shertzer – Why US Cities Are Segregated by Race: New Evidence on the Role of ‘White Flight’

US cities became increasingly segregated by race over the 20th century. General consensus holds that most of this segregation was concentrated in the post-war period. This column uses neighbourhood-level data to find that racial segregation in cities began earlier; indeed, much of it had taken place by 1930. The column also examines the residential response of whites to black arrivals, …

Colin Todhunter – Pesticides, GMOs and corporate control: The poster child is Monsanto but Neil Young is the main act

Neil Young has a long history of activism. He is a co-founder of Farm Aid, which works to support small and family farmers in North America, while his song Ohio is often considered to be one of the greatest protest songs ever made. Last year, Young pledged a $100,000 donation to Vermont’s legal fight against the GMO-labelling lawsuit, and he …