The Gary Null Show – 04.26.16

Here is the rundown of topics that was discussed on “The Gary Null Show.” Click on the links below to learn more on the topics Gary spoke about and listen to Gary’s “Conversations with Remarkable Minds” interview with Prof. Bart Ehrman, who speaks about “The unreliability of memory that has contributed to altered and invented stories in the New Testament and who Jesus was.” Read his bio down below.

Eating nuts linked to lower risk of colon cancer

Research reveals: Ginger found effective against a wide range of cancer types. Ginger will cause the cancer cells to commit suicide

Ginger causes ovarian cancer cells to die, U-M researchers find

Ginger destroys Cancer more effectively than death-linked Cancer drugs

Learn how to grow Ginger at home

Fiber-famished gut microbes linked to poor health

The fiber gap and the disappearing gut microbiome: Implications for human nutrition

Bridging the brain-body gap: How the ‘thinking’ gut influences mental well-being

New study: Substance in rhubarb cuts cancer cell growth in half

Extra: Some Rhubarb recipes for you: 15 Rhubarb recipes that aren’t pie

Gary takes a break and plays this great song: Gibson Brothers – Cuba . Gary talks about his Tuesday evening show “Progressive Commentary Hour,” which is at 7pm Eastern Time. Guest this evening (4.26.16) is: John Pilgrim.

If you can host a radio show and have a community that you can help with this show, we would love to hear from you. Leave an email at: and in subject line write: “FOR JASON.” Leave your name, phone number and explain what type of show you want to do and we will contact you and hopefully you can do a radio show and help people in the community around you. Finally, Gary returned to the show with these two great videos:

VIDEO: Alan Watts – What is Wrong With Our Culture

VIDEO: George Carlin – The Illusion Of Choice – This video contains Explicit Language

Gary took a very short break and returned with his guest Prof. Bart Ehrmans. Here is a quick bio to learn more about the Professor.

Prof. Bart Ehramans is one of the most renowned and controversial Biblical scholars in the world today. who specializes in the texts of the New Testament and the origins of Christianity. He is the James A Gray Distinguished Professor of Biblical and Christian studies at the Universty of North Carolina in Chapel Hill where he specializes in the texts of the New Testament, non-canonical literature, Gnosticis and the historical origins of Christianity. He received his doctorate from Princeton University and has received numerous awards for academic excellence. Prof Ehrman is the author and editor of over 30 books, 5 having appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. His most recent book is “Jesus Before the Gospels: How the Earliest Christians Remembered, Changed and Invented Their Stories of the Savior.” His website is

The Gary Null Show – 04.13.16

On “The Gary Null Show” here are the topics he discussed and the links to help you learn more.

Maple syrup protects neurons and nurtures young minds

If you eat fast food you’re getting a generous helping of toxic chemicals

New autism research: a nutrient called carnitine might counteract gene mutations linked with ASD risks

Black currant has high variability in flavonoid contents and composition

Fraud exposed: Hazardous chemicals and mislabeling rampant in olive oil industry

Ginkgo biloba indicating that it may have therapeutic value in the treatment of dementia, tinnitus, and cognitive decline and dysfunction

Video: Alan Watts – You’re it – Speech extract from “Zen Bones and Tales

Truth in Media: The Origin of ISIS

Crimes against humanity in Yemen: U.S. and Saudis causing hundreds of thousands of children to starve to death

New Report Details Big Oil’s $500 Million Annual Climate Obstructionism

The Violence of Police Politics

The Gary Null Show – 03.30.16

Discussed today on the show:

Soy and its benefits, including in Asia, which has less cases of breast cancer then anywhere else

Zinc and how taking 20 mg a day can help keep type 2 diabetes in check

Are telomeres the key To aging? Living a good life helps as well but telomeres is something to look into.

Higher Vitamin D intake gives men a better change of surviving prostate cancer

Green tea’s ability to help reduce symptoms of periodontal disease may be due to the presence of the antioxidant catechin

Omega 3 fatty acid (DHA) helps reduce tumor growth

Brocili and Sprouts should be eaten to help with Ulcers.

Gary gives both sides to the debate about how the University of California adopted a no tolerance policy when it comes to linking Anti-Zionism to Anti-Semitism.

Three You Tube videos as well. Look inside this link to play them.

The Gary Null Show – 03.23.16

Dr. Kelly Brogan is a New York City based holistic women’s health psychiatrist practicing and board certified in psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine and integrative holistic medicine. She holds a bachelors in Systems Neuroscience from MIT, received her medical degree from Cornell University and underwent her psychiatric training at New York University Medical Center. Dr Brogan is an outspoken critic of drug-based psychiatry and the current medical paradigm and embraces the principles of lifestyle change and nutrition in her patient protocol. She sits on several professional boards including Functional Medicine University, the NYS Perinatal Association, Pathways to Family Wellness, Fearless Parent and the peer-reviewed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. She is the co-editor of a major holistic textbook “Integrative Therapies for Depression,” and is author of the recent New York Times bestseller “A Mind of Your Own: The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives” Her website is

Look inside the link to see the video clips Gary played on his show today:

Joshua Krause – 77% of Two-Year-Olds Now Use Mobile Devices on a Daily Basis

There is no doubt that the pace of technological development we’ve seen in recent years has been both amazing, and frightening. It’s certainly made our lives easier, but no one can ignore the fact that these developments are happening faster than the human race can adapt to them. Predictably, this has spawned a widespread fear of technology in our culture. …