Resistance Radio – Alicen Grey – 10.23.16

Alicen Grey is an award winning writer based in New York City. You can read more of her work at Today we talk about pedophile culture, and what we can do to stop it.

Harvey Wasserman – Bonnie Raitt Just Keeps Getting Better

t’s not often a single stanza can sum up a whole political system. But those words from Bonnie Raitt ring truer every day as this pathetic “selection” season lurches ever deeper into astounding ugliness. As evidenced by her new album, Dig in Deep, and her current concert tour, the opposite is true of Ms. Raitt, whose astonishing talent and endless heart …

Derrick Jensen – Liberals and the New McCarthyism

It’s easy enough, some sixty years after the fact, for us to cluck our tongues at the cowardice and stupidity of those who went along with McCarthyism. It’s especially easy for liberals and academics to say that had they been alive back then, they would certainly have had the courage to stand up for discourse and to stand up for …