Resistance Radio – Mary Lou Singleton – 01.15.17

Mary Lou Singleton is a deep ecologist, radical midwife and women’s liberation activist. She practiced as a homebirth midwife for over 15 years and currently provides primary health care as a family nurse practitioner in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mary Lou believes that birth is a sacred rite of passage and that preserving wild human birth is integral to the struggle for the preservation of all wild systems on Earth.

Bob Henson – Autumn 2016: Warmest in U.S. Weather History

The autumn of 2016 was the warmest ever observed in records going back to 1895 for the 48 contiguous U.S. states, according to data released on Wednesday by NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). The nation’s average September-to-November temperature of 57.63°F was a full 1.05°F above the previous autumn record, set way back in 1963, and it was 4.08°F …

Mary Lou Shaw – Preparing Fruit Trees for Winter

You’ve pruned your fruit trees in early spring then harvested fruit through the summer and autumn. Before heading into the warm indoors, take time to prepare your fruit trees for winter. This includes giving them protection from cold temperatures, rodents, infections and even the sun. The following three steps will help insure healthy trees for your next year’s harvest: Mulching fruit …

(SATIRE) Native American Council offers amnesty to 220 million undocumented whites

A council of Native American leaders has offered partial amnesty to the estimated 220 million illegal white immigrants living in the United States. The “white” problem has been a topic of much debate in the Native American community for centuries, and community leaders have decided the time has come to properly address it.* Daily Currant reports, “At a meeting of …

iEat Green – Sally Edwards- Chemical Footprint Project – 11.03.16

Dr. Sally Edwards has many years of experience in engaging a wide range of stakeholders to promote the environmental health of communities and develop safer and greener products. She is a senior research associate at the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. She is a co- founder of the Chemical Footprint Project, which is designed to recognize corporate leadership in the use of safer chemicals. Sally facilitates the work of the Green Chemistry and Commerce Council’s Retailer Leadership Council, whose mission is to promote safer chemicals, materials and products across retail supply chains. Eight major retailers are active participants in the RLC. Sally also serves on the board of directors for Women’s Voices for the Earth. Sally holds a MS in Environmental Health Science from Harvard University and a BA in Human Biology from Stanford University. She completed her doctorate in Work Environment at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Her book, Beyond Child’s Play: Sustainable Product Design in the Global Doll-Making Industry, was published in 2009.

Research into extreme weather effects may explain recent butterfly decline

Increasingly frequent extreme weather events could threaten butterfly populations in the UK and could be the cause of recently reported butterfly population crashes, according to research from the University of East Anglia (UEA). Researchers investigated the impact of Extreme Climatic Events (ECEs) on butterfly populations. The study shows that the impact can be significantly positive and negative, but questions remain …

Expat Files – 10.14.16

#1- Announcing a new “Podcast by Phone” feature. If you’re on the run, you now have a way to listen to the past 5 Expat Files programs over the phone rather than downloading or streaming from the PRN archives or other sources. The phone number for this free service is: 1-701-719-0893

Dental fillings with mercury can cause over 30 chronic health conditions –

If you think the only thing to fear from a dental visit is some discomfort, think again. Conventional dentistry practices, like putting dental fillings loaded with mercury in the mouth, are exposing the body to neurotoxic heavy metals and increasing the risk of systemic infections – which lead to many chronic health conditions. Dental amalgam fillings are made of material containing between 43 and …

William John Cox – “Evil” Presidential Candidates: Write-in Voting and Political Protest

With the increasingly likelihood of a presidential contest between the generally despised Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, millions of angry voters are considering protesting the lineup by either sitting out the election or writing in alternatives. With almost one-third of all eligible voters already failing to participate in elections, a greater abdication of voting responsibility in an election between the …