The Infectious Myth – Chris Exley on High Aluminum Levels in Autistic Brains – 01.17.18

In episode 170, David speaks with Chris Exley about his recently published research that found extremely high levels of Aluminum in some areas of brains taken from deceased people diagnosed with autism. This research is not easy, as the number of brains and amounts of material available for analysis, are very limited. He explains why some of the criticisms are …

Truth To Power – 07.28.17

AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome The first publisher to cover the AIDS epidemic talks to the first journalist to break the story of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic in Rolling Stone. Charles Ortleb, the publisher of New York Native and author of Truth to Power talks to Hillary Johnson, the author of Osler’s Web: Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic. They discuss the …

Resistance Radio – Guest: Jesse Lasky – 06.30.17

Jesse Lasky is currently assistant professor at Penn State University. His work explores how the environment and human modifications of the environment affect biodiversity at the level of genetics and ecological communities.  Today we talk about how a wall between the US and Mexico would harm wildlife and natural communities. Here is a link to some of his work on …

Lauren McCauley – Seriously ‘Sinister’ Big Pharma: Opioid Maker Bankrolls Opposition to Pro-Pot Referendum

It has been revealed that the maker of a powerful, addictive opioid drug is bankrolling the opposition to the effort to legalize and regulate marijuana for recreational use in Arizona. The Phoenix New Times reported Thursday that Insys Therapeutics, the company behind the fentanyl-based medication Subsys, made a $500,000 donation to the group Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy (ARDP), which is leading the …

Jeremy Adam Smith, Summer Allen – How Nature Helps Fathers Nurture

Some dads are very involved in the lives of their children—while other fathers neglect, ignore, or even abuse their kids. That’s a fact. Are there biological factors that could help explain why some fathers are more nurturing than others? That’s the question being explored by Emory University anthropologist James Rilling in a series of innovative studies that are documenting how differences in …

Let’s Create A Better World – 04.30.16

We have two guests on the show. The first talks about food, water and how environmental change is playing a major role in the negative effects our food is having on us and the world in which we live. The second guest discusses overcoming alcohol addiction and living a healthy, “Soulfully Aware” life. Our first guest is Kari Hamerschlag, senior program manager for “Friends of the Earth”. She speaks about the harmful affects our current food and water supply are having on us and our environment. Furthermore, she discusses Food, Water, Agriculture, Climate Change and Biodiversity. Our second guest, Natalie Rountree, is an advocate for bringing awareness to the pain and struggles of women, mothers and others facing addiction to alcohol or in recovery. She is the founder of “Sober Living Soulful Living” which focuses on inspiring and encouraging those in recovery from alcoholism. Natalie has aided hundreds of people in their recovery since 2008 and continues to inspire thousands more daily with her story, her blogs, public speaking events, Facebook page, podcasts and more.

NDC Savings Club – 03.16.16

Today Show: Let it Go

Guest Speaker: Alex Acuna

Host and producer of the NDC Savings Club will be talking about the concept of Let it Go. Everything is energy and even our thoughts are energy fields and a lot of conditions that affect us are caused by these addicting energy fields like: Food, Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Pornography, Chattering Mind, Gambling, Bad Relations, Bad Luck and many more.

Learn how we can be infected by these addicting energy fields and how you can Let it Go. Learn greatest secrets of the universe that we can literally Let it Go and create your own reality.

Chris Hedges – Flint’s Crisis Is About More Than Water

What is in the mind of someone who knowingly poisons children and impairs their lives? Why did the politicians, regulators and bureaucrats who knew the water in Flint, Mich.,was toxic lie about the danger for months? What does it say about a society that is ruled by, and refuses to punish, those who willfully destroy the lives of children? The crisis …

What Women Must Know – How to Read a Blood Test for a Longer, Healthier Life with James LaValle – 02.04.16

James LaValle, R.Ph., C.C.N. is a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, board certified clinical nutritionist, author, educator, industry consultant and clinical practitioner/pioneer in the field of natural therapeutics.

He is one of the nation’s top influencers in legitimizing integrative medicine, and was named one of the “50 Most Influential Pharmacists” by American Druggist magazine as well as 2011 Clinician of the Year by the Natural Products Association.

LaValle is also the author of more than 20 books and eBooks including, is most recently released publication, Your Blood Never Lies, as well as his best seller, Cracking the Metabolic Code.

LaValle was appointed Metabolic Medicine Institute (MMI) Committee Chairperson in 2014. He is also affiliated with George Washington University as the course director in systems biology and clinical lecturer.