"Saving capitalism, looming economic downturn, Berlin 250,000 against TTIP, US plan to give Puerto Rican taxes to banks. Response to question on planning. Interview: Laura…
Updates on new Detroit book, Mayor's austerity policy in Chicago, homeless school children, soaring medical insurance deductibles. Responses to listeners on VW scandal and Pope's…
Today on "This Can't Be Happening!" journalist Alfredo Lopez talks with colleague and host Dave Lindorff about two stories that intimately concern him. The first…
Puerto Rico’s governor may have said the commonwealth’s debt is unpayable, but that doesn’t mean Puerto Ricans aren’t going to pay for it. Vulture capitalists…
Hedge fund managers and bondholders are pressing the government of Puerto Rico to drive through a series of punishing austerity measures, including dramatic cuts to…
On Sunday evening the governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla of the Popular Democratic Party, announced that the US commonwealth would need to restructure…