I Cannot Lose Weight (from The Astonishing Power of Emotions, Part II, Example 2) Abraham says that the key to achieving a better body weight is to see it differently from the way it is. It’s your vibration that counts, not what you eat. David and Walt discuss. Download this episode (right click and save)
Project Censored – 12.05.17
For the first segment of the show, Mickey and Michael speak with independent journalist Dave Lindorff. In a recent Salon.com article, Lindorff contends that corporate-media denunciations of “fake news” are also intended to undermine the credibility of non-corporate alternative media. Then Nolan Higdon joins the show as a guest, for a discussion of how to teach media literacy, despite neoliberal …
Alternative Visions – Massive Corporate Tax Cuts Coming -Again – 08.04.17
Multi-trillion dollar corporate and investor tax cuts by December have moved to the top of the Republican Congress-Trump legislative agenda. Dr. Rasmus puts the proposals in historical context, describing the corporate-investor tax cuts from Reagan through Clinton and GW Bush to Obama and now Trump. From the $750 billion Reagan bill in 1981-82 to Bush’s $3.7 trillion to Bush-Obama $480 …
Resistance Radio – Guest: Jesse Lasky – 06.30.17
Jesse Lasky is currently assistant professor at Penn State University. His work explores how the environment and human modifications of the environment affect biodiversity at the level of genetics and ecological communities. Today we talk about how a wall between the US and Mexico would harm wildlife and natural communities. Here is a link to some of his work on …
Expat Files – 07.02.17
#1- TEN THINGS you need to know about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in Latin America. #2- What happens when Latin countries make cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin illegal, or prohibit their use as legal tender. Colombia has just done so , but in a typical schizophrenic idiot govt move they have also decided to tax bitcoin transactions at the usual VAT (IVA) …
The Gary Null Show – 06.28.17
How threatened ecological systems will collapse the planet’s biosphere and the hubris of sole reliance upon technological solutions to mitigate climate change acceleration Dr. Glen Barry is an internationally recognized political ecologist, data scientist, and the president and founder of Ecological Internet, a site that provides real news about climate change and the latest issues and commentaries about ecological and …
Meditations and Molotovs – 03.20.17
Bush, Blair and Co. are primarily responsible for the war in Iraq and the horrors that followed, however liberals, Democrats, and particularly the corporate news media (the same folks who gave the world President Trump) share a large portion of responsibility as well. They created the atmosphere necessary for the faux “War on Terror” (can’t wage war on a tactic), which is simply the latest justification for U.S. hegemony and imperialism. Today, let’s talk about history and why it still and always matters.
Trump Draft Executive Order: No Funding for UN Abortions
A draft executive order from the Trump administration orders the federal government to stop funding any United Nations organization that promotes “the performance of abortion or sterilization as a method of family planning.” It’s one of a number of prohibitions in the order obtained by The Daily Beast that sets up a process for reviewing all American contributions to the …
Nadia Prupis – Trump, Who “Can’t Be Bought,” Rewards Big Donors With Cabinet Roles
Dozens of President-elect Donald Trump‘s biggest donors are now being considered for administration positions, and the amount of financial supporters who ended up in his cabinet is “unparalleled in modern presidential history,” Politico reported on Tuesday. Of the 200 people that Trump has met with since the election, almost a third—73 people—are donors, Politico‘s Isaac Arnsdorf wrote. They contributed a …