Lynn Stuart Parramore – The Zentrepreneur: Ayn Rand in Lotus Position?

You’ve seen the entrepreneur game-changing up a Silicon Valley storm. Perhaps you’ve met more recent additions to this can-do tribe: there’s the micro-entrepreneur, eagerly hopping along Task Rabbit with dry cleaning deliveries, and the social entrepreneur, hacking world hunger with a single app. Now there’s a new market maven in town. He levitates on puffs of peace and profundity, eager …

Frida Berrigan – Kids’ Questions on a Lockdown Planet

What did you do at school today, Seamus?” It’s a question I ask him everyday. “Well,” my proud preschooler begins, “we did not have a lockdown drill today.” And that’s about as far as he gets in the art of storytelling. Sometimes I’ll get something about “bim” (gym) or how “Bambi” (Jeremy) pinched him during free play. But the thing …