The Art of Allowing (from The Law of Attraction, Part IV) As with the previous parts of the book, we begin this part with Abraham defining what the Art of Allowing is. A great introduction to the subject. Wendy and Walt discuss. Download this episode (right click and save)
LOA Daily – 05.11.18
If I Can Imagine It, It’s Realistic (from The Law of Attraction, Part III) We finish up Part III of the book with some interesting ancillary questions that Jerry raises with Abraham. Wendy and Walt discuss. Download this episode (right click and save)
The Merging of Government and Wall Street Into One Criminal Entity: The Rising Tide of State Fascism in the US and Canada By Joachim Hagopian
In the dozen plus years since 9/11, the US government has rapidly moved from democracy to fascism. When government acts on behalf of a corporate oligarchy as declared by the Princeton-Northwestern study last month, state fascism is the result. And First Amendment rights in America have been obliterated in this morphing process. Obama has declared war on whistleblowers, those individuals who recognize …
11 Quick Reasons to Dislike DuPont as Much as Monsanto
Sure, Monsanto is listed as one of the most hated companies on the planet, but what about other biotechnology giants such as DuPont? This company has been terrorizing the planet for far too long, but they hide easily in Monsanto’s ominous shadow. It’s easy to lose sight of the other companies that are just as responsible for ruining our food supply …
“The Nobel Peace Prize Watch” Has Been Launched
On March 3, 2015, The Telegraph and a few other major news sources broke the quite extraordinary story that the chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee – the body that decides who is awarded the Prize – former Norwegian PM Thorbjoern Jagland had been demoted; it’s the first time it has ever happened. It was during his chairmanship the will of Alfred Nobel …