Usually, when you buy something, you pay for it just once. But if you’re a US taxpayer, you’re paying twice for the food system you’re “buying” with your hard-earned tax dollars. An example: today’s massive federal farm subsidies encourage farming practices that lead to toxic algae blooms, drinking water pollution, and other costly problems we have to pay for again …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 01.28.16
We begin in Wisconsin with KEVIN KAMPS of BEYOND NUCLEAR who tells us that the absurdly corrupt legislature in Wisconsin is trying to repeal a 33-year ban on atomic reactor construction. Of course, Wisconsin’s Kewaunee reactor just shut for economic reasons, and there’s zero chance new reactors will be built there without 100% taxpayer subsidies. But Kevin’s excellent article on this is at and he tells us why stacking more nuke waste along the Great Lakes is patently insane.
We then hear breaking news from PAUL KANGAS and the CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION which has just approved a 15 cent fixed rate for homeowners to collect on electricity pumped into the grid from the solar panels on their rooftops. With thousands of Californians sending green power into the system we may soon see DIABLO CANYON and other nukes following Kewaunee into the nuke dump pile. Paul explains how California now joins Maine in paying a firm, fixed rate for decentralized renewable production and paving the way to SOLARTOPIA!!!
2015 Officially the Hottest Year on Record
The final tally is in: 2015 was the hottest year in recorded history—by a record-breaking margin. On Wednesday, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the official record for last year’s runaway temperatures, which by NOAA’s calculation hit an average of 58.62 degrees Fahrenheit (14.79 degrees Celsius). That’s 1.62 (F) degrees hotter than any average year in …
Social networks as important as exercise and diet across the span of our lives
The more social ties people have at an early age, the better their health is at the beginnings and ends of their lives, a new study suggests. Researchers say the study is the first to definitively link social relationships with concrete measures of physical well-being such as abdominal obesity, inflammation, and high blood pressure, all of which are associated with …
Matthew Porterfield – TTIP and Climate Change: Low Economic Benefits, Real Climate Risks
Yves here. Readers may take exception to the posture of this paper, that the TTIP could be improved so as to eliminate its environment-negaive features. It’s hard to see those as anything other than features, that the authors were fully aware of how the TTIP would serve to weaken environmental, including climate-change-related regulations. Nevertheless, this article serves as a very …
Alex Kirby – Warming lakes speed up methane emissions
US scientists report that lakes worldwide are warming by an average of more than 1°C every 30 years, faster than the warming rate of either the ocean or the atmosphere. The warming is expected to increase algal blooms and to mean global emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a century, will increase …
Brittany Wienke – 11 Tips for Conserving Water
Taking a long hot shower is something many of us take for granted, just like turning on the tap when we need to drink, bathe or cook. But for the 750 million people [3] around the world who lack access to clean and safe water, finding enough to cook, clean, or bathe with is a harrowing daily ordeal. By 2030, almost half the world’s population [4] will …
Emergency survey underway along West Coast, marine life being affected “in ways never seen before” — CBS: “Unusual increase in dolphin, sea lion, and seabird deaths” — Thought to be largest toxic bloom “anywhere, ever” — Worry that impacts on fish to last several years
CBS, Jun 17, 2015 (emphasis added): A toxic algae bloom spreading off the Pacific coast could be the largest one scientists have ever seen. “It’s definitely the largest bloom of this particular algae seen on the West Coast, possibly anywhere, ever” Raphael Kudela, a professor of ocean sciences at the University of California Santa Cruz, told CBS News… “Currently what we’re …