Host, Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN, www.naturalnurse.con, interviews Integrative Health Nurse Cheryl Myers, RN. Cheryl Meyers is an author, and expert on natural medicine. A graduate (with honors) of Purdue University, Cheryl Myers, whose first degree is in nursing, also has clinical certifications in oncology (cancer care) and gerontology (health issues of aging). She has been working directly with dietary supplements for over 12 years. A natural medicine practitioner, Cheryl is a recognized expert in integrative health and dietary supplement use. She is a nationally-recognized speaker who has been interviewed by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Prevention Magazine. Her many articles have been published in such diverse journals as Aesthetic Surgery Journal and Nutrition in Complementary Care, and her research on botanicals has been presented at the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the North American Menopause Society. Ms. Myers is the head of Scientific Affairs and Education for EuroPharma, Inc. . On this show, Nurse Cheryl discusses natural remedies to support Blood Sugar Balance. Contact: Phone: 866-598-5487
Dr. Mercola – How to Prevent Hearing Loss and Improve Your Hearing With Nutrition
You’re probably aware that certain nutrients can support optimal vision, but did you know your hearing may benefit from certain foods as well? If you have trouble hearing, or notice that your hearing is not as good as it used to be, your diet (and/or additional supplementation) may hold the answer. In fact, nutritional imbalances are increasingly thought to be …
Focus on the Facts – 12.05.16
Discussed the depopulation agenda and the disturbing stories and connections between Pizzagate and the Franklin Scandal and the investigation of the world wide pedophile and human trafficking network, with the guest Ruth Goodyear a nurse and mental health professional in Canada who has done recovery work with victims of Satanic ritual abuse.
Meditations and Molotovs – 12.05.16
Meditations and Molotovs “Live From Standing Rock” features Vincent’s reflections on his recent trip to the encampments and why he thinks the tribal leadership squandered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Turning Point – 09.16.16
9/11, From out of the blue Visit for more of Mike’s work! Download this episode (right click and save)
iEat Green – Jonathan Cetnarski – 08.04.16
Jonathan Cetnarski is the President and CEO of Natural Gourmet Institute (NGI) in New York City. Founded in 1977, NGI is the leading provider of health-focused culinary education. The school teaches both aspiring chefs and recreational cooks to make the connection between food and health, and offers instruction in essential cooking techniques, principles of nutrition, methods for sourcing sustainable ingredients, and culinary business practices.
Carolanne Wright – Big Pharma and Medical Industry Dole Out $3.5 Billion in Kickbacks to Doctors and Teaching Hospitals
“It is scary how many similarities there are between this [pharmaceutical] industry and the mob.” ~ former Vice-President of Pfizer pharmaceuticals. The U.S. federal government has released disturbing data about the profiteering nature behind our medical system. Namely, a staggering 4.4 million payments made to physicians and teaching hospitals by medical device and pharmaceutical companies. According to officials from Centers for Medicare …
Pepe Escobar – Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran with lies, lies, lies
The Associated Press – with great fanfare – ran an “exclusive” story masquerading what was in fact a glaring propaganda piece, according to which, under the P5+1, UN-ratified nuclear deal with Iran, the country would carry out some of the inspections of its own “sensitive sites.” There was nothing specific in the piece. The crucial document AP alleges to have “seen” was not …