Gerald Celente makes a powerful case for how Hillary Clinton supporters, and Liberals in general, are in a state of denial. They cannot see or admit how Democrats in power have festered war worldwide following the Bush years. And they’re aided and abetted by the Presstitute media. Elsewhere, he touches on why the price of Gold is tanking and what to expect next. And, he even ponders the supposed death of “partner dancing.”
FDA Defies Congress, Slips Money to Hospitals, and Stiffs Consumers
For some time now we have been explaining how the FDA appears to be trying to put compounding pharmacies out of business in order to boost the profits of its major client, the pharmaceutical industry. It doesn’t seem to matter to the agency that you will no longer be able to get critically important drugs, or your medications in the right form. …
FDA Attacks Brain Health Supplements
We think this is to pave the way for a new blockbuster drug. Action Alert! In October we told you about a potential new blockbuster drug for Alzheimer’s from drug giant Eli Lilly. Solanezumab is in the third and final phase of FDA drug trials, and if approved, could bring in at least $7.6 billion in sales by 2024 and probably much more. …
Gardasil: Destroyed and Abandoned
IÂ am 16 years old. For me, everything started a few days after I received the HPV vaccine, Gardasil. I woke up one day choking and unable to breathe. I felt like I was going to pass out so my parents took me to a hospital. I was stabilized, kept overnight and sent home, just like that. No tests, no medications, …
More Dying Patients Being Denied Access to Dr. Burzynski’s Life-Saving Treatment
The FDA is effectively signing the death warrant of more patients by denying them access to Dr. Burzynski’s antineoplaston cancer treatment—for no rational reason whatsoever. Please help.Action Alert! Over the years, we’ve covered the FDA’s attacks on Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, the trailblazing cancer doctor best known for his discovery and development of antineoplastons (ANP), which are peptides and amino acid derivatives that …
MIT Scientist: Glyphosate to Cause Autism in 50% of Children by 2025 – Christine Sarich
As if to corroborate a growing trend in rising autism rates, a senior research scientist from MIT has warned that of all children, a disquieting 50% will be autistic by 2025. What’s the culprit? Monsanto’s best selling Round-Up containing glyphosate is top on the list. The overuse of glyphosate in our food supply is causing diseases like Alzheimer’s, autism, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and …