Meria with Bev Conover, Editor,Publisher of Intrepid Report; Year wrap up;Intrepid Report online since 1998;what got her started;1998 she was covering Clinton’s illegal bills; trump & Wolff’s book; Bannon; Can’t fix stupid;Diane Feinstein’s release of the dossier testimony;Darrell Issa retiring like most GOP; trumps henchmen at 7-11’s and Motel 6’s; deportations;Russian anchor babies and trump palace; prayer meetings? destroying history in …
Heart of Mind Radio – 01.13.18
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks to Dr. Nuani about the health of the liver. In segment two, the conversation expands to include the principles of Indigenous healing, and consideration of the mind, emotions and spirit in the healing process. Dr. Nuani’s event info: (470) 363-0288 Dr. Nuani aka Dr. Witty Health Talk discussing The Untold truth about …
Developing Countries Emulate The US, Turn Citizens Into Debt Slaves
One of the big advantages of being a Latin American or Asian country used to be — somewhat counter-intuitively — the lack of credit available to most citizens. The banking system in, say, Brazil or Thailand simply wasn’t “advanced” enough to offer credit card, auto, or mortgage loans on a scale sufficient to turn the locals into US-style debt slaves. …
Progressive Commentary Hour – 02.09.16
Prof. Laurence Shoup is a historian who has been researching the background and agendas of the Council on Foreign Relations for 40 years. He has taught history, social science and international relations at the University of Illinois, San Francisco State University and other institutions. For five decades Dr. Shoup has been active in human rights struggles, protesting the Vietnam War, marching with Martin Luther King and participating in the union movement. He holds degrees from California State University and a doctorate from Northwestern University. He ran as a Green Party candidate in the city of Oakland and California state and has consulted for many nonprofit organizations. Laurence has written five books, his most recent being “Wall Street’s Think Tank: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Empire of Neoliberal Geopolitics 1976-2014” His website is
Ariel Noyola Rodríguez – Where will the Next Global Economic Crisis Explode? Colossal Stock Market Losses in 2016
The year 2016 has hardly begun and the losses in different stock markets around the world care colossal: nearly 8 trillion US dollars during the first three weeks of January according to the calculations of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch. The Government of the United States made addicts of investment banks of policies of cheap credit. And now that …