Patrick D. Hahn is a genuine scholar of the history of psychiatry who leads us through the turns and twists of psychiatry’s struggle with its untruths from the Nazi doctors led by Ernst Rudin to the field of psychotherapy led by Sigmund Freud. It’s an endless tale of ignoring what people really suffer from–abuse and rejection in growing up, followed by abuse …
Nature Bats Last – 04.03.18
Kia ora from Aotearoa N.Z. Today’s guest on Nature Bats Last is evolutionary biologist Professor Guy McPherson, professor emeritus from the University of Arizona. Professor McPherson’s website can be found at  Additional information and videos can be found at Professor McPherson’s You Tube channel Nature Bats Last Corroborating evidence and associated links pertaining to the show will be posted …
Leid Stories—The Trump Presidency: In What Ways Has It Changed, Or Is Changing, Your View of Politics?—03.14.18
Almost no one is neutral about President Donald Trump. But whether pro or con on the president, there’ll be agreement that Trump has dramatically impacted—and changed—politics in the United States. Leid Stories listeners decipher how, in a very short time, Trump has reset America’s political clock. Download this episode (right click and save)
The Gary Null Show – 10.02.17
On Today’s episode of The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the show with the latest in health and healing covering topics such a peaches and other fruits that will benefit you. In the second half of this program Gary opens up the classroom on the air to teach you about The Crusaders. Download this episode (right click and save)
Alice Dreger – You might be in a medical experiment and not even know it
In the long view, modern history is the story of increasing rights of control over your body – for instance, in matters of reproduction, sex, where you live and whom you marry. Medical experimentation is supposed to be following the same historical trend – increasing rights of autonomy for those whose bodies are used for research. Indeed, the Nuremberg Code, …
Exploration – State Of The World – 11.28.16
Dr. Michio Kaku chats with Lester Brown on the state of the world.
Vin Armani – Obama Quietly Signs Executive Order To Achieve Global Vaccination Agenda
Last Friday, November 4th, Obama quietly signed an Executive Order titled Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats. “It is the policy of the United States to advance the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), which is a multi-faceted, multi-country initiative intended to accelerate partner countries’ measurable capabilities to achieve specific …
Exploration – Orgin Of The Moon – 10.26.16
Dr Michio Kaku Talks with Dr Dana McKenzie about the origin of the movie.
INTERNAL UNITED NATIONS assessments obtained by The Intercept reveal that U.S. and European sanctions are punishing ordinary Syrians and crippling aid work during the largest humanitarian emergency since World War II. The sanctions and war have destabilized every sector of Syria’s economy, transforming a once self-sufficient country into an aid-dependent nation. But aid is hard to come by, with sanctions blocking …
Meditations and Molotovs – 09.12.16
Fifteen years after 9/11 and Americans have learned very little about war, violence, revenge, history, terrorism and empire. So, for today’s program, Vince plays Howard Zinn’s famous speech,”Three Holy Wars” (The Revolutionary War, The Civil War and World War II) because these idealized wars must be questioned if we ever hope to stop the madness of U.S. Empire.