What In The Cell Is Going On? – 05.22.18

Today we heard from Dr. John Gilbert, who has been guiding many for years on how to protect themselves from sharing the truth about the dangers of vaccines and the diving design of our human body! He taught us how to protect ourselves under the private domain and come out of “their” public domain jurisdiction, enable to continue waking up …

Let’s Create A Better World – 09.27.17

Veronica Gabrielle La Barrie is an exceptional transformational coach, speaker, author, consultant, writer and facilitator. A pioneer in the study and teaching of A Course in Miracles for 30 years, Veronica Gabrielle La Barrie is a proclaimed visionary, spiritual teacher and writer. She’s published the newsletter The Difference, has been on BBC Radio with Michael Quincey, she has hosted many …

Leid Stories—Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis Deeply Rooted in Imperialism—05.17.17

A federal court in San Juan, Puerto Rico, today will consider the views of the island’s government, lawmakers and creditors on developing bankruptcy-like plans to deal with a $72-billion debt load and to cover a looming $50-billion shortfall in pension obligations. The hearing, coming more than two years after Puerto Rico’s debt alarm was sounded, won’t finalize anything; rather, it …


WOULD YOU GIVE YOUR CHILD A COOKIE IF IT CONTAINED GLYPHOSATE? Before you get into the meat of things, let’s answer a question that you don’t have yet but that you will have about 2 minutes into reading this article: “Really? It can’t be that bad, can it?” It’s natural to be skeptical about glyphosate being a threat your health. …

Nat Parry – Anti-Trump Coalition Shows Cracks

Somewhat surprisingly, a genuine grassroots, broad-based movement has emerged to oppose the incoming Trump administration, but perhaps less surprisingly – given the American left’s self-marginalizing tendencies – the nascent efforts may already be descending into sectarianism, finger-pointing and divisive identity-based politics. One early sign of the anti-Trump coalition’s fracturing came when a group of women decided after Hillary Clinton’s defeat …