Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: a call for a new kind of peace movement, one that cares about the whole of humanity; Mumia Abu Jamal’s lawyers believe they have a good case for ending his long incarcartion; …
Economic Update – The Economy from 2017 to 2018 – 01.07.18
“Updates on net neutrality, workplace sexual harassment, bitcoin, worsening global inequality, Europe’s recovery and instability, and using prison labor to fight fires. Major discussions of consumerism, gathering revolt against capitalism, and the economics of alternative populisms.” Download this episode (right click and save)
The Infectious Myth – End Game – Assisted Suicide – 12.19.17
In Episode 167, David talks with the makers of the documentary, End Game, about assisted suicide in the United Kingdom, where it is currently illegal. Some people with devastating health conditions are fighting in the courts for the right to end their life with assistance. Others, more able to travel, go to Switzerland where lack of laws allow people to …
Tonight’s Progressive Commentary Hour!
An early Earth Day special — A look at climate change in the context of the loss of our global forests. And what can the wisdom of trees teach us about preserving the future of the human species. If Jane Goodall is the ambassador for the animal kingdom. If Vandana Shiva is the ambassador for seeds and organic foods. …
The Infectious Myth – Indigenous diet and health with Philip Brass – 03.14.17
David discusses the diet of indigenous people on the prairies before and after the invasion of Europeans with Philip Brass, a member of Peepeekisis First Nation in Saskatchewan, who works on community health, local food initiatives, traditional practices, and ceremonies. They discuss the reasons why the health of so many indigenous Canadians is worse than average. They delve into the history of colonization including forced removal to reserves, the old pass system that prevented them leaving the reserve, and the residential schools What are the challenges to reclaiming the indigenous knowledge about local foods for nutrition and for medicine?
Gail Tverberg – Debt: The Key Factor Connecting Energy and the Economy
There are many who believe that the use of energy is critical to the growth of the economy. In fact, I am among these people. The thing that is not as apparent is that growth in energy consumption is dependent on the growth of debt. Both energy and debt have characteristics that are close to “magic” with respect to the growth …
You walk into a room and suddenly your brain goes fuzzy with an overwhelming wave of familiarity—although this is a totally new experience. Like something out of a sci-fi plot, it almost seems as if you’ve walked into the future. Chances are, you’ve experienced this situation, known as déjà vu, during your life. Déjà vu (French for “already seen”) occurs …
Jon Kofas – Youth In America, Russia And China
America’s youth is a reflection of the diverse society and its contemporary political trends. It is true that a segment of the youth is anti-government and anti-military but not nearly at levels America had seen during the last years of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal under Richard Nixon. One would need to go back to the Eisenhower administration …
America is the worst polluter in the history of the world. We should let climate change refugees resettle here. By Michael B. Gerrard
Michael B. Gerrard, associate faculty chair at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, is the Andrew Sabin professor of professional practice and director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School. Toward the end of this century, if current trends are not reversed, large parts of Bangladesh, the Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, Egypt and Vietnam, among other countries, will be under …