The Gary Null Show – 02.23.18

Trump’s infrastructure plan and what it will mean to our land, water, soil and future Mary Grant is the Director of the Public Water for All Campaign at Food and Water Watch, a nonprofit public advocacy organization that stands up against corporations to assure healthy food, clean water and land protection for all. The organization’s campaign promotes universal access to …

Victoria L. Dunckley, M.D., – A Curious Case of Depression

Dan was a twenty-year-old young man with mild social anxiety and attention deficit disorder who — despite a genius-level IQ — was failing out of college. His social life had gone from being fairly active to nonexistent, his sleep-wake pattern was almost completely reversed, and he rarely left his room. Although not actively suicidal, Dan reported he often felt he ’d be “better off dead” and didn’t “see much …

New Bill Would Have Teachers Diagnose Psychological Issues in Children and Report them to Police

Texas State Representative Jason Villalba (R-Dallas) is once again in the spotlight after submitting yet another Orwellian proposal, H.B. 985. Villalba first raised the ire of civil libertarians by proposing a bill, H.B. 2006, which would have eliminated the religious exemption for vaccination, essentially creating a forced government vaccination program without exception. More recently, Villalba was thrust into the national …