Aggression towards Iran and the US-Israel-Saudi Alliance Dr. Gareth Porter is an award-winning historian, an independent investigative journalist and policy analyst who specializes in US geopolitics and national security issues. During the Vietnam war, he was Dispatch News Services Bureau Chief in Saigon and later a co-director for the Indochina Resource Center. In addition to being a specialist in Vietnamese and Cambodian …
Leid Stories—The Israel Lobby and U.S. Policy: An Extremely Lopsided Power Arrangement—03.05.18
The 2018 policy conference of the innocuously named American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) ends tomorrow in Washington, D.C. A list of strategic policy objectives will soon be announced as having been accomplished, and there’ll be nothing innocuous about that. AIPAC wants it known that, once again, the juggernaut lobbying organization pulled through for Israel and for Jews all over the world. …
New Show Coming To The Progressive Radio Network: The Plutocracy Report
Time Slot: Friday’s 4pm est Show Info:Â Tune in to The Plutocracy Report every week as Vince takes listeners deep inside the governmental narrative of the mainstream media/propaganda system and exposes the motivation behind the stories and why they are reported is such a way. Apart from providing listeners with a broader, two sided view of everything pertinent in the news. …
The Gary Null Show – 08.09.17
Update on events happening in Venezuela and the Trump’s and Washington’s role to instigate regime change by destabilizing the country  Eva Golinger is a Venezuelan-American attorney who served briefly as a foreign policy advisor to the late Hugo Chavez. Using Freedom of Information Act requests she continues to document the close relationship between the radical right factions in Venezuela and the …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 03.08.17
My guest Danish physician Peter Gøtzsche is the cutting edge of psychiatric reform in Europe. Although an internist and highly respected researcher in general medicine, he has now turned his attention to psychiatry and been dismayed. He is devoting himself to stopping psychiatric oppression and to promoting better alternatives. A researcher, educator, and politically astute man, he is turning his critique into live action on the political stage and in the delivery of services. A rousing, don’t-miss exchange between the two of us!