Progressive Radio Network


Web site mentioned on the program:
Recent Findings in Carcinomas Described by Researchers from Zhejiang University (Theaflavin-3, 3'-digallate decreases human ovarian carcinoma OVCAR-3 cell-induced angiogenesis via Akt and Notch-1 pathways, not…
As economic turmoil worldwide becomes increasingly apparent, I have been receiving messages from readers expressing some concerns on the public “perception” of collapse. That is…
Meet Joanne Cacciatore for a beautiful hour. As I have been, you will be a better person for it. From grief to love, we share…
What would happen if we all heard positive messages all the time from childhood all the way through adulthood? We'd very likely have a much…
“The world, for the first time, agreed there is a problem with climate change and that we should do something about it. This occurred despite…
2015 in Perspective: What’s Been, What’s Done, What’s Ahead (Part 2) The discussion continues with listeners’ perspectives on what mattered in 2015, what will matter…
The United Nations has disgraced itself immeasurably over the past month or so. In case you missed the following stories, I suggest catching up now:…
As hackers continue to rampage through closely-guarded information systems and databases with monotonous regularity, there is a tempting new target for cyber-attacks: the world’s nuclear…
Miri Regev, Israel’s Minister of Culture and Sports, supports torture. She is not alone. Joining her is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, while practically all ministers…
70 years ago, the United States of America had just emerged from World War II as the most dominant superpower in the world. At that…