Recent Findings in Carcinomas Described by Researchers from Zhejiang University (Theaflavin-3, 3'-digallate decreases human ovarian carcinoma OVCAR-3 cell-induced angiogenesis via Akt and Notch-1 pathways, not…
As economic turmoil worldwide becomes increasingly apparent, I have been receiving messages from readers expressing some concerns on the public “perception” of collapse. That is…
2015 in Perspective: What’s Been, What’s Done, What’s Ahead (Part 2) The discussion continues with listeners’ perspectives on what mattered in 2015, what will matter…
As hackers continue to rampage through closely-guarded information systems and databases with monotonous regularity, there is a tempting new target for cyber-attacks: the world’s nuclear…
Miri Regev, Israel’s Minister of Culture and Sports, supports torture. She is not alone. Joining her is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, while practically all ministers…