Petuuche Gilbert is Acoma Pueblo Native American activist. He’s leading a struggle to save sacred Mt. Taylor called ‘Kaweshti’ in the Acoma language. He represents Laguna and Acoma Coalition for a Safe Environment (LACSE), which is one of five core groups in the MultiCultural Alliance for a Safe Environment ( MASE). MASE is a consortium of indigenous and environmental justice …
Gary G. Kohls – Does Prescribing Anti-psychotic Drugs to Infants, Toddlers and Young Children Meet the Definition of Reckless Endangerment?
When physicians (or medical paraprofessionals) prescribe psychiatric drugs to children without the parent or legal guardian’s fully informed consent, the prescribers could reasonably be charged with reckless endangerment and/or child endangerment because such drugs commonly cause a multitude of well-known adverse effects, including the following short list: worsening depression, worsening anxiety, sleep disturbances, suicidality, homicidality, mania, psychoses, heart problems, growth …
The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Radiant Skin from the Inside Out! With Dr. Allan Dattner, MD, Integrative Dermatologist – 12.08.15
Alan M. Dattner, MD has been a pioneer for over 30 years in integrating nutrition, dermatology, Applied Kinesiology, and Holistic Medicine into the practice of dermatology. He is a founding member of the American Academy of Dermatology’s groundbreaking Task Force for Nutrition and Evaluation of Alternative Medicine, and is a board-certified dermatologist. Dr. Dattner has written a number of scientific articles on nutrition and herbal medicine in dermatology. He has lectured locally, nationally and internationally to both dermatology and CAM organizations, and has been quoted in numerous popular magazines and The New York Times. He has a strong background in research methodology and 47 years of experience in the science of cellular immunology. More specifically, he elucidated key concepts linking environmental factors to inflammatory disease, during 3 years of investigation of human lymphocyte recognition at the National Cancer Institute . Results of this work are published in peer review journals and were presented by Dr. Dattner at plenary sessions of the Society of Investigative Dermatology. On today’s show, we discuss Dr. Alan Dattner’s new book, Radiant Skin from the Inside Out: The Holistic Dermatologist’s Guide to Natural Skincare Learn the holistic skin secrets this dermatologist has discovered over the past 30 years that will help you clear your skin and restore balance naturally. Contact :
Interview with Robert E. Graham, Board Certified in Internal and Integrative Medicine – 09.17.15
Robert E. Graham is a Board Certified in Internal and Integrative Medicine. Dr. Graham received his medical degree from the School of Medicine at Stony Brook University Medical Center, Stony Brook, NY and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Lenox Hospital in New York City. Dr. Graham received a Master’s of Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health while completing three additional fellowships in General Internal Medicine/Complementary and Integrative Medical Therapies at Harvard Medical School and Medical Education at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In March 2015, Dr. Graham presented a talk, “FAREWELLNESS: Back to Our Roots” at TedxManhattan where he described one doctor’s attempt to incorporate his roots in integrative and traditional medicine into our modern healthcare system with an emphasis on having greater respect for food, cooking, farming, meditation and their healing properties. Follow his work @FAREWELLNESS on Facebook and Twitter.