Bestseller author, Speaker, CPA and President of a leading financial firm, Tom Corley discusses his book “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals” explains to Mark what so many people are doing incorrectly and how making subtle changes can have a drastic effect on immediate and long term goals. Have Mark speak at your company or …
Expat Files – 01.22.16
-The nitpicky details about Latin American bank accounts that no one mentions, but you’d better know!
-Latin credit and debit card tips: It’s a good idea to have one or two. Nearly all Latins do use them indiscriminately. Don’t fall into that perilous trap. Use them very sparingly and only for larger purchases and cash withdrawals.
-Things to know about the poor Indigenous Latin populations and notes on the unchanging, perpetual class system. Latin middle-classes and wealthier Latin upper classes have boxed them in.
-A bit about the love/hate relationship Latins have with their own inglorious history and melting pot heritage.
-What green gringos and Expats who might be are hiring bilingual Latins should expect.
-Today Expat Eddie, a formerly clueless and now infamously successful restaurateur, shows us the lighter side of his own clever job interviewing tactics.