Jonathan Cohn – ‘Millions To Lose Insurance,’ And Other Likely Headlines From The Trump Presidency

Millions of people lose health insurance. Undocumented workers face new threats of deportation. Progress on reducing greenhouse gases starts to reverse. Conservatives regain a majority in the Supreme Court, and are poised to expand their influence. Deficits rise, forcing cuts to programs on which the poor and middle class depend. Those are some of the headlines you could see over the …

Hamish McRae – What would the US economy really look like under President Donald Trump?

Could President Donald Trump deliver on his promises? The problem – and this applies to all presidential candidates – is that the economic levers that a president can pull are much weaker than in other western democracies. There are two reasons for this. First, the system is designed that way, with its checks and balances. As far as the budget …

Leid Stories—The ‘Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy’ Had Called It Early on the Clintons; New Bombshells on the Clinton Foundation’s Charity Fraud —11.01.16

Back in 1998, when Bill Clinton was into his second term as president, Hillary Clinton famously blamed a “vast, right-wing conspiracy” for propagating a series of scandals that were meant to tarnish the sterling reputations and characters of the White House’s two main occupants and turn the people against them. The Clintons still profess this to be true, pointing to a torrent of unflattering, even sensational, headlines and news coverage they’ve had to endure. But they always could depend on the mainstream media to blunt harsh criticism.

Robert C. Koehler – If Only We Could Vote for Peace Instead of a ‘Commander-in-Chief’

Maybe it’s the phrase — “commander in chief” — that best captures the transcendent absurdity and unaddressed horrors of the 2016 election season and the business as usual that will follow. I don’t want to elect anyone commander in chief: not the xenophobic misogynist and egomaniac, not the Henry Kissinger acolyte and Libya hawk. The big hole in this democracy …

Kevin Zeese – Living In The Illusion Of Democracy

The United States is in the peak of the very long election year. The presidential debates are running in full swing. The media is deep into coverage of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. And, the people are feeling unrepresented. In this environment it can be hard to step back and see the full picture. We’ve published many articles that describe the oligarchic plutocracy – …

Jerri-Lynn Scofield – Law Enforcement Losing War on White Collar Crime

It’s always a reliable sign that things have spun too far out of control when the New York Times Dealbook column gets around to highlighting them. And so it’s now the turn of white collar crime. From yesterday’s NYT– note in particular the use of the waffly quotation marks enclosing ‘not winning’ in the headline, Law Enforcement ‘Not Winning’ War on …

ZERO HEDGE – “Show Hillary Love” Rothschilds Urge As She Charges $2,700 Per Question

Yesterday we pointed out something troubling: while Hillary Clinton has now gone 274 days without giving a press conference (even as her campaign spokesman Brian Fallon eagerly vowed that “if elected Hillary Clinton will hold press conferences”) she has been all too eager to answer questions from donors at exclusive (and expensive) fundraisers. Like, for example, the one that took place …


Mark speaks with Gary Shulman, one of the leading disability advocates in the nation where his dynamic workshops and trainings have inspired and educated tens of thousands of educational professionals and parents of children with disabilities. Hear why everyone who hears Gary loves Gary. A Canadian commercial for the Paraylmypics is a smash success due to the incredible footage capturing unparalleled athleticism and uniquely talented persons with disabilities. Mark plays the audio description version of this 3 minute jaw dropping commercial allowing persons with low vision or blindness to also enjoy the experience and awe inspiring feeling. Also, a letter to Trump on his beyond incomprehensible mocking behavior of NY Times reporter Serge Kovaleski.