Today on the Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing. In the second half of the program Gary goes into so commentary before going to guest John Whitehead. John Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights fo the the persecuted and oppressed. In 1982 he founded The Rutherford Institute, a non-profit civil liberties and human rights organization headquartered in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Institute provides legal services to defend civil liberties and programs to educate the public on issues affecting their Constitutional freedoms. John gained international renown for his role as co-counsel in Paula Jones’ sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton. He has filed numerous amicus briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court and has been co-counsel in several landmark Supreme Court cases as well. John has been the subject of many newspaper, magazine and television profiles, ranging from Gentleman’s Quarterly to CBS’ 60 Minutes. His most recent book is “Battlefield America: The War on the American People”. And his website is
Project Censored – 01.24.17
Web site mentioned on the program:
NORMAN POLLACK – America: Banana Republic? Far Worse
Before the Inauguration, one was guarded about using the term “fascist” to describe America, as if slanderous and an exaggeration. No longer. It is not entirely Trump’s doing; Obama and his predecessors were creeping up to that point with each intervention, confrontation, weakening of civil liberties, drone attack, regime change—a whole catalogue of death, defiance, destruction. But it is Trump …
Heart of Mind Radio – 12.30.16
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks with Maya Jocelyn, founder of Studio Maya, an evolutionary movement studio located in Brooklyn and Mahesh Benyamin Bridges, a community leader and meditation expert about the “Spiritual Unity Movement.” Guests: Maya Jocelyn: Studio Maya, Founder and Teacher Maya began dancing at age 5 and continued on to complete a BFA …
David Dillard-Wright – The Cult of Trump
As of this writing, Donald Trump is making his cabinet picks, which aside from conspiracy-monger Steve Bannon, look like the usual rightward Wall Street and D.C. insiders. The Trump regime seems so far like it will promote an uglier and more aggressive version of the standard Republican policies: deregulation, privatization and tax cuts for the wealthy. We can expect to …
Melissa Breyer – The top 10 leading causes of death in the US
With the alarming news that US life expectancy rates went down last year, here are the causes. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Americans could expect to live into their early 40s … and that was about it. Modernization has led to a dramatic increase in how long we live, and life expectancy rates have enjoyed a steady, if not …
A Just Cause – Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congressman Danny K. Davis – 12.11.16
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congressman Danny K. Davis, who has distinguished himself as an articulate voice for his constituents and as an effective legislator able to move major bills to passage. He has developed a unique and energetic style of communication and interaction with his constituents setting up dozens of advisory task forces to consider significant questions of public policy.
The Gary Null Show – 12.09.16
The Post-Obama America – a look at the future of protest and solutions, police surveillance and bringing power back to the states
Alfie Kohn – Narcissist-in-Chief A Psychological Take on a Political Reality
The initial shock has given way to a twofold horror. First, there is the unavoidable fact that more than 62 million Americans voted for this man. Most white college graduates preferred him. Most white women preferred him. Presumably many of those 62 million aren’t bigots or bullies or sexual predators or compulsive liars. But they knowingly voted for someone who …
The Personal Computer Radio Show – 11.16.16
o Election Postscript: Computer Models and Forecasts are not absolutes