The Coal Industry’s Unabated War on Americans’ Health

The Coal Industry’s Unabated War on Americans’ Health   Richard Gale & Gary Null, PhD Progressive Radio Network, December 7, 2009   Eight AM on a Saturday morning, fresh snow has been falling for two hours. My daughter Shelly asked if we could make snow ice cream. I said sure. We got a large bowl and went outside. As I …

Is Solving Climate Change as Simple as Sucking Carbon Out of the Air? – Tara Lohan

It sounds almost too obvious. But we may be able to stave off some of the major effects of catastrophic climate change simply by sucking out of the air the vast amounts of carbon dioxide we’ve been spewing for decades. It’s not a new idea, but it’s one that has never been economical. Until now, perhaps. Graciela Chichilnisky believes her …