Marie Oser is a best-selling author and healthy lifestyle expert with a focus on nutrition and its role in disease prevention. Vegetarian since 1971 and vegan since 1990, Marie left a career in television advertising to pursue her interest in food, health, nutrition and the environment. Marie is President, Host and Executive Producer of VegTV (www/ and has been producing …
Monica Mears – Child Abuse Pediatricians: An “Ethically Bankrupt” Profession that Destroys Families
I do not think that you can get a fair child abuse trial before a jury anywhere in the country… I do not care how sophisticated or law smart jurors are, when they hear that a child has been abused, a piece of their mind closes up, and this goes for the judge, the jurors, and all of us. …we …
Victims of HPV Vaccine in Japan Will Sue State and Vaccine Makers
In the U.S., the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been a subject of controversy from the very beginning after Merck’s Gardasil vaccine was licensed in 2006.1 Japan is one of the many nations raising concerns about HPV vaccine following persistent reports that girls are suffering severe adverse effects after getting vaccinated.2 Controversy Surrounding Safety of HPV Vaccine in Japan Here is what …
Will Organic Cattle Be Pumped Full of GMO Vaccines?
We must act to maintain the integrity of organic standards! Action Alert! The semiannual meeting of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) will take place April 25–27 in Washington, DC. Because the NOSB makes decisions that, in large part, determine the future of organic foods (it’s the advisory board for the National Organic Program, or NOP), ANH-USA has been engaged with …
Catherine J. Frompovich – Are Vaccines Such “Holy Cows” That They Can’t Be Condemned?
The graphic below indicates that VACCINE-DERIVED POLIOVIRUSES have been known, and apparently tracked, since 1962 and yet those very vaccines are still being given to developing countries’ children under the guise of polio prevention! What is it that the pro-vaccine contingent doesn’t get? Apparently, pro-vaxxers may believe that the moon is made of green cheese, too! Vaccines cause the very diseases they …
Gary Null – HPV Vaccines: Unnecessary and Lethal
Every parent desires only the best for their children, which is why most parents insist that their children, primarily girls but now also boys, receive the three-shot series of HPV vaccines. Parents do this because there is the unchallenged assumptions that vaccine public mandates and physician recommendations are founded upon sound scientific and medical principles of safety and efficacy. This …