LOA Today – 10.08.15

We jump into the Wayback Machine to December 2012 when I interviewed Bob Burg, author of The Go Giver. We talked about all the different ways in life that the giving mentality helps people succeed in their lives in a myriad number of ways. For those who want to apply the Law of Attraction to their lives and careers in a way that they also financially benefit, this interview is perfect.

William R. Polk – Why Many Muslims Hate the West

The issue of terrorist attacks on America has been so politically sensitive that most commentators have simply wrapped themselves in the flag and closed their eyes and ears. Yet, even in fairy tales, ostriches were never saved by burying their heads in the sand. It is not a good defensive posture and it wouldn’t be wise for real-life Americans to behave …

US home ownership rate hits lowest level in two decades By Andre Damon

The economic recession that began with the collapse of the housing market in 2007 officially came to an end in June 2009—more than six years ago. But by most indications, American households are significantly worse off than they were at the depth of the downturn. Despite the drop in the official unemployment rate, household incomes have fallen, wages have stagnated …

Why Are Christian Numbers Dropping? – David Niose

America continues to trend secular. According to a recently released Pew study(link is external), almost one in four Americans, 23 percent, now identify as religiously unaffiliated, up from just 16 percent in 2007. This continues a shift that began in the early 1990s, when the percentage of religiously unaffiliated was in single digits. The rise of these “Nones” comes mainly at the expense …

Middle Class? What Middle Class? – Jack A. Smith

A complex class system exists in the United States, but the mass media and political rhetoric generally reduces it to three components — one middle class, and two economic generalizations —rich and the poor. Indeed the term “class” itself, as a means of defining the economic and social status of the population, has been fading away. There are, of course, a …

Death Of The Middle Class: Homeownership Rate Drops To 29 Year Low As Average Rent Hits Record High – Tyler Durden

Overnight Gallup released its latest survey which confirmed just how dead the American Dream has become for tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans. According to the poll, the number of Americans who do not currently own a home and say they do not think they will buy a home in “the foreseeable future,” has risen by one third to 41%, vs. …

Chaos And Propaganda: Washington’s “Reality-Based Order” – Colin Todhunter

In 2011, Hilary Clinton announced the US was at war. She wasn’t referring to the US’s ongoing invasions, wars and occupations but an ideological war for hearts and minds. Clinton lamented the fact that, since the end of the cold war, US global ideological influence had weakened, especially with the advent of the Internet and TV channels like RT. Of course, Hollywood still manages to propagate the ‘great American …

The Great Middle Class Extinction: “95% of New Homes Built for Rich or Poor”

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times all over again. “Since 2000, 95 percent of new households in King County have been either rich or poor. A mere 5 percent could be considered middle income.” That is a statistic reportedly true of Seattle – the heart of King County in Washington state – but which …