Project Censored – 01.02.18

On this special edition of the Project Censored Show, the co-editors of Poets Reading the News spend the hour looking back at some of the most important news stories of 2017, expressed via poetry. Elle Aviv Newton and Jenna Spagnolo present a dozen poems, each read by its author, addressing issues from gun violence to opiod deaths to global warming.  …

Charles Mudede – California Tells Trump It Will Launch Its Own Damn Satellite to Monitor Climate Change

The president of urban America, California Gov. Jerry Brown, gave a speech at the recent American Geophysical Union conference that not only declared war on the backward climate policies of the president of rural America, Donald Trump, but made it very clear that his state has the economic will and power ($2.5 trillion GDP) to pursue its own programs and …

Andrea Germanos – NOAA Issues ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Assessment on ‘Unprecedented’ Arctic Warming

If President-elect Donald Trump’s appointments of a “band of climate conspiracy theorists” weren’t already stoking fears for the ever-warming planet, the latest Arctic Report Cardfrom the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) may well provide the ignition. The annual assessment, released Wednesday, finds that “persistent warming” is driving “extensive changes” to the region. In fact, the average air temperatures were …

Lauren McCauley – Scientists Racing to Archive Climate Data Before Denier-in-Chief Trump Takes Office

Anticipating the worst under the incoming administration, a group of scientists are frantically trying to archive government climate data before President-elect Donald Trump’s “band of climate conspiracy theorists…storm the castle,” as one put it. On Saturday, Slate meterologist Eric Holthaus posed the question: “Scientists: Do you have a climate database that you don’t want to see disappear? Add it …

The psychology behind climate change denial

Climate change is a serious threat to humans, animals, and the earth’s ecosystems. Nevertheless, effective climate action has been delayed, partly because some still deny that there is a problem. In a new thesis in psychology, Kirsti Jylhä at Uppsala University has studied the psychology behind climate change denial. The results show that individuals who accept hierarchical power structures tend …

Lizzie Wade – Climate Change Means One World’s Death and Another’s Birth

A few years ago in a lab in Panama, Klaus Winter tried to conjure the future. A plant physiologist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, he planted seedlings of 10 tropical tree species in small, geodesic greenhouses. Some he allowed to grow in the kind of environment they were used to out in the forest, around 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Others, …

Study finds toxic pollutants in fish across the world’s oceans

A new global analysis of seafood found that fish populations throughout the world’s oceans are contaminated with industrial and agricultural pollutants, collectively known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The study from researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego also uncovered some good news?concentrations of these pollutants have been consistently dropping over the last 30 years. The findings, …

2015 Officially the Hottest Year on Record

The final tally is in: 2015 was the hottest year in recorded history—by a record-breaking margin. On Wednesday, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the official record for last year’s runaway temperatures, which by NOAA’s calculation hit an average of 58.62 degrees Fahrenheit (14.79 degrees Celsius). That’s 1.62 (F) degrees hotter than any average year in …

Tim Radford – Forests of southwest US face mass die-off by 2100

Tens of millions of trees in California are now at risk because of sustained drought, according to new research. And a different study in a different journal foresees a parched future for the evergreen forests not just in the Golden State but in the entire US southwest. Gregory Asner of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Stanford, California and colleagues …