Black Agenda Radio – 05.28.18

Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: a national conference was held in North Carolina, last week, in hopes of revitalizing the Black liberation movement. And, the film “Black Panther” turned Black super-hero images into a worldwide box office …

Zarah Strong – Why Donkeys Are (Often) Better Than Dogs At Guarding Livestock

It’s not uncommon to see dogs in pastures with livestock to serve as protection from predators, but many people do not realize that donkeys can be excellent guards, as well. They are typically suited for protecting calves, sheep and goats, and will easily fend off canine attackers, fox or even bobcats. Of course, as it is with dogs, they should …

Eric Zuesse – NATO Causes Refugees, Then Uses Them As Excuse For More Invasions

NATO is the anti-Russia military club of nations, even after the communist Soviet Union and its military club against the U.S., the Warsaw Pact, ended in 1991 — NATO didn’t reciprocate that by ending itself, as it should have done (and would have done if the U.S. President at the time, George Herbert Walker Bush, had had any basic decency; instead, …

Hannah Osborne – Social collapse in ancient Pueblo civilisation linked to climate change

The early Pueblo civilisation colonised the Four Corners of the US for thousands of years until being abandoned for reasons unknown from the 13th century. Scientists have now discovered four major phases of societal collapse that took place in the last 500 years of the civilisation’s existence. Researchers from Washington State University found all of the collapses coincided with periods of …

Cecilie Harry – Take It from a Dane – Why Bernie Sanders Is Right to Push to Make America More Like Denmark

Bernie Sanders has expressed nothing but praise for the Scandinavian countries. During the first Democratic debate he stated: “I think we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and Norway and learn from what they have accomplished for their working people.” In an interview with ABC News in 2015, Sanders steadfastly stated he wanted the United States to look …

Philip Weiss – The world the settlers made

Shiloh The first order of business in my third settlement is to get a bottle of wine. Avi drives me down the hill to visit the wine presses of a fellow American immigrant. We pass a group of Palestinian workers leaving a building site with a Jewish security guard and Avi shakes his head over the practice.unfinished house across the …

Anthony Bellchambers – Ten Facts Everyone Needs To Know About Israel

1. Out of the 14.2 million Jewish people in the world, (in 2016), only a minority of 43% reside in Israel. 2. Whilst 75% of Israelis are Jewish, 21% are indigenous Arabs with restricted civil rights. 3. Israel has the highest birth rate in the developed world, with an average of 3 children per woman. 4. The Netanyahu government now …

Alan Hart – American Jews And Israel: A Divorce In The Making?

In a very interesting piece on his web site (Mondoweiss) Philip Weiss has speculated that the day is coming when American Jews will divorce Israel. If it really happens the president of the day will be free to use the leverage America has to cause or try to cause Israel to end its defiance of international law and denial of …

Jonathan Cook – Welcome To Israel’s Version Of Apartheid

Moments before an Aegean Airlines flight was due to take off, three Israeli passengers took security into their own hands and demanded that two fellow passengers, from Israel’s Palestinian minority, be removed from the plane. By the end of a 90-minute stand-off, dozens more Israeli Jews had joined the protest, refusing to take their seats. Like a parable illustrating Europe’s …


Is it impossible to conceive of a peacetime USA? Culturally and politically, American leaders with both political parties have declined to provide a vision to the American people of a country that has declared an end to war in the Middle East and the resumption of a peace time society. Instead, the last 14 years of war have produced an overgrown …