DAN BREZNITZ – Trans-Pacific Partnership is a wonderful idea – for China

The website of the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative proudly describes the Trans-Pacific Partnership as “Made in America.” It does so to position this treaty, made up of a motley crew of allies, as a bulwark of free competitive markets against China. It is only fair, then, to judge the TPP on these merits: Will it lead to freer, more competitive …

Ashish Shukla – TPP plots to cripple China

Five years in the making and involving 40 percent of world’s trade, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) has been signed between United States and 11 other countries, namely, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Brunei, concerning over 800 million people. The deal is a thinly-disguised attempt by the United States to encircle China and …

Yessenia Funes – Own a Home in Just Four Years? This Co-Op Program Keeps Workers in the Neighborhood Nearly half of Evergreen’s worker-owners have purchased homes through the program.

Alex Cedeño quit renting two years ago. Now, he has just two years left until he owns his own home. And it’s all thanks to his employer, Evergreen Cooperatives. Evergreen started this unique home-buyers program three years ago. Today, nearly half of its worker-owners have purchased homes through the program. Home ownership was unlikely for them before; many have bad …

TPP Reduces Human Trafficking and Child Labor to Misdemeanors – Stan Sorscher

Last week, President Obama’s credibility on trade policy took another punch in the neck. The President’s best remaining pitch was his promise of strong enforceable standards for labor and the environment. Last week, that collapsed in a breath-taking display of cynicism. On May 8, President Obama went to Nike in Oregon, to insist that TPP would fix the broken promises of past trade …

Stop Calling the TPP a Trade Agreement – It Isn’t – Dave Johnson

This is a message to activists trying to fight the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Stop calling the TPP a “trade” agreement. TPP is a corporate/investor rights agreement, not a “trade” agreement. “Trade” is a good thing; TPP is not. Every time you use the word “trade” in association with the TPP, you are helping the other side. “Trade” is a propaganda …

The Average Age Of A Minimum Wage Worker In America Is 36 – Michael Snyder

Did you know that 89 percent of all minimum wage workers in the United States are not teens?  At this point, the average age of a minimum wage worker in this country is 36, and 56 percent of them are women.  Millions upon millions of Americans are working as hard as they can (often that means two or three jobs), …

Why Nike Is the Problem, Not the Solution – Robert Reich

Tomorrow President Obama will be giving a speech promoting the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Paradoxically, he’s chosen to give it at Nike headquarters in Oregon. Nike isn’t the solution to the problem of stagnant wages in America. Nike is the problem. It’s true that over the past two years Nike has added 2,000 good-paying professional jobs at its Oregon headquarters, fulfilling the requirements of …