Infectious Myth – Joel Savage on Belgium, AIDS and Ebola – 06.28.16

David interviews Joel Savage on AIDS and Ebola, and the dark role of Belgium in African history. Although Joel has worked with Dr. Johan van Dongen on the theory that HIV and Ebola viruses are laboratory engineered, and David is skeptical of this theory, not accepting that there is any evidence the viruses exist, it is still an interesting discussion. Why are there still statues of King Leopold of Belgium who killed a similar number of Africans as Hitler killed Jews? And is the west really helping Africa when it comes to disease, or just using the perceived hopelessness for profit?

You can find out more about Joel’s work at:

The book on AIDS and Ebola that Joel co-authored with Dr. van Dongen can be found at:

David also discusses the Orlando Pulse massacre and a recent Journal of the American Medical Association on trends in homicides and suicides, with and without guns, in Australia, before and after strict gun laws were enacted and enforced in 1996 and 1997:

Rishma Parpia – Toxic Phenol Ingredient in Vaccines

Phenol, chemically known as carbolic acid, is a white, volatile crystal solid. It is a mildly acidic, water-soluble chemical that requires safe handling due its ability to cause chemical burns. Phenol is produced both “naturally” as well as synthetically. In its natural form, phenol was initially found in coal tar. It is also present naturally in human and animal wastes as …

Martha Rosenberg – What Big Pharma Does Not Want You to Know About the Opioid Epidemic

The prescription opioid epidemic is not new. It began when Pharma rolled out and aggressively marketed time-released opioids like Oxycontin, driving “pill mills” that distributed as many as 9 million [3] Oxys in a six-month span. What is new is the media finally calling Pharma out on the many cagey ways it got people hooked on opioids and heroin (and continues to do so), how …

What Women Must Know – The Missing Pieces for Hormonal Balance with Dr. Andrew Rostenberg, DC – 03.03.16

Andrew Rostenberg, DC, is a chiropractor, kinesiologist, functional medicine expert, methylation researcher, and director of Red Mountain Natural Medicine in Boise, ID. In addition to running a busy practice, Dr. Rostenberg has developed cutting-edge protocols using methylation pathways designed to optimize biochemistry, detoxification, digestion, brain function and more. He founded the methylation research and educational website as a resource for patients and doctors. He has clinical experience treating patients of all ages and walks of life, ranging from elite athletes and children to those suffering from complex digestive, autoimmune and neurological diseases.

William J. Astore – The U.S. Military Suffers from Affluenza

The word “affluenza” is much in vogue. Lately, it’s been linked to a Texas teenager, Ethan Couch, who in 2013 killed four people in a car accident while driving drunk. During the trial, a defense witness argued that Couch should not be held responsible for his destructive acts. His parents had showered him with so much money and praise that he …

Is Your State Being Targeted by a Medical Monopoly?

It may be—if a secretive, private, and powerful organization called the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) gets its way. State-based Action Alerts! For years now, we have been reporting on the machinations of the FSMB, especially their most recent efforts to pass their Interstate Medical Licensure Compact in as many states as possible. Don’t be deceived. While this is supposedly …

The Gary Null Show – 02.09.16

Dr. Uwe Blesching is a medical journalist and the chief editor of CHI Magazine. He specializes in mind-body medicine, natural evidence-based illness prevention and protocols and the benefits of cannabis and marijuana’s phytopharmacological properties. For twenty years, Uwe was a paramedic and emergency medical expert for the city of San Francisco. He hold degrees in the Humanities and Psychology and a doctorate in Higher Education and Social Change from the Western Institute for Social Research. In addition to publishing a global guide on the use of spices and herbs for food and medicine, he is the author of the recent “Cannabis Health Index” which presents the science from over 1000 research studies on marijuana’s medical and health benefits for over 100 chronic symptoms and diseases. His website is

State Medical Boards Fail to Protect the Public From Doctors Who Commit Sexual Misconduct, Groundbreaking Study Shows

WASHINGTON, D.C. – State medical boards – which are supposed to stop dangerous doctors from practicing – are failing to protect the public from many doctors already known to have committed sexual misconduct, a groundbreaking Public Citizen study published today in PLOS ONE shows. Seventy percent of U.S. physicians – 177 out of 253 – who had engaged in sexual misconduct that led to …

MAYO CLINIC – Physicians and burnout: It’s getting worse

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Burnout among U.S. physicians is getting worse. An update from a three-year study evaluating burnout and work-life balance shows that American physicians are worse off today than they were three years earlier. These dimensions remained largely unchanged among U.S. workers in general, resulting in a widening gap between physicians and workers in other fields. The study conducted …

NY Governor Expedites Legal Pot for Critically Ill Patients

Life is about to get a little bit easier for critically ill patients in New York, where Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed 2 bills into law recently that will establish an “emergency medical marijuana” program individuals can use to resolve their ailments. The passage of a 2014 law added New York to a list of nearly 2 dozen states where medical marijuana is …