Last December, a Senate Intelligence Committee report laid bare the extensive involvement of individual psychologists in the CIA’s black-site torture program. Then, in early July, a devastating independent report by a former federal prosecutor determined that more than a decade ago APA leaders — including the director of ethics — began working secretly with military representatives. Together they crafted deceptively …
Inducing Psychosis: Who’s the Real “Menace to Society”: Journalist or Leading Psychiatrist? by BRUCE E. LEVINE
On April 26, 2015, Jeffrey Lieberman, former president of the American Psychiatric Association, stirred up controversy by calling investigative journalist Robert Whitaker a “menace to society” on CBC radio because Whitaker, in his book Anatomy of an Epidemic, had challenged the long-term effectiveness of psychiatric medication. But is it Whitaker or Lieberman who has been a menace to society? Lieberman, the APA president through May 2014, …
Leading American Psychiatrist Conducted Disturbing Experiments — and Now He’s Smearing Journo Who Uncovered It – Bruce E. Levine
On April 26, 2015, Jeffrey Lieberman, former president of the American Psychiatric Association, stirred up controversy by calling investigative journalist Robert Whitaker a “menace to society [3]” on CBC radio [4] because Whitaker, in his book Anatomy of an Epidemic [5], had challenged the long-term effectiveness of psychiatric medication. But is it Whitaker or Lieberman who is a menace to society? Lieberman, the APA president through …