Microbes are Holding the Reins to our Health – Erica Sonnenburg Ph.D.

You are not alone. Your gut is teaming with bacteria that have been linked to everything from autism to obesity and may even be influencing your mood and behavior. Whether this collection of microorganisms, your microbiota, is thriving or suffering has huge implications for your risk of a number of diseases including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and even mental illness. Each of us is …

Fracking Companies Keep 10% of Chemicals Secret, EPA Says

By Neela Banerjee,  InsideClimate News Mar 31, 2015 Oil and gas companies refuse to disclose 10 percent of the hundreds of chemicals they use during hydraulic fracturing, according to a new analysis by the Environmental Protection Agency. The revelation comes in a major installment of the EPA’s study of the potential risks of fracking on drinking water. The agency’s assessment …

Flashback: Allegations of Government Human and Biotech Experiments at a Deep Underground Military Base near Dulce

By now, most people know of at least a few of the more infamous instances of our government secretly experimenting on its own citizens. The Tuskegee experiments, where some 600 poor sharecroppers in Macon County, Alabama were told they’d get free government healthcare during the great depression in what turned out to be a government-induced and monitored syphilis infection is one …